From CAD


This command converts CAD surfacic shapes (CAD face, compound, or solid) into meshes.

Select the CAD surfacic shapes you want to convert and launch the command.


  1. In the Options settings, you can choose which discretization will be applied on your CAD shape, i.e. how fine the shape will be sampled into a discrete representation.

    1. If you choose Current deviation, then the deviation will be set from the current display.

    2. If you choose Absolute deviation, then the maximum deviation between the CAD model and the discretized shape will be below the chosen distance.

    3. If you choose Adaptive deviation, then the deviation will be different for each sub-element of the CAD model.
      The chosen ratio will be used as a guide to compute a local, adaptive deviation for each sub-element.

      It is recommended to use the Current deviation as it does not require to compute a new discrete representation from the current one.

      If you need a new discrete representation, it is recommended to use an Adaptive deviation as it requires less computational effort for an equivalent or better quality than an absolute deviation.

  2. You can choose to use the same orientation for all parts of the mesh with Orient all parts in the same way.

In case of a CAD compound, you obtain a single mesh composed of different sub meshes (compound). Each CAD surface of the compound is transformed in one independent piece in the mesh.