Moving Objects


This command filters points corresponding to objects which were supposed to be moving while scanning.

Select one or several clouds containing scanning positions. At least 2 scanning positions are required per cloud.

In case of multiple inputs, the algorithm will process each one separately.


  1. Set the Resolution at 10 m.

    We advise to use a resolution 2 or 3 times bigger than the scan resolution at 10 m.

  2. Set the Threshold.

  3. Validate with OK, Preview the results or Cancel the command.

The algorithm makes comparison between individual setups:

a) It stores foreground points for each setup ( 1 ) (a spherical grid is made according to Resolution at 10 m R).

b) Points which are background in other setups ( 2 ) mean there is a moving object in setup ( 1 ), unless both points are very close (Threshold T).
