Navigation and selection

Two camera profiles are available:

  • Cyclone 3DR: this profile is almost similar to other Cyclone products.

  • 3DReshaper: our former profile (only compatible with desktop UI).

You can toggle the mode with General settings.

Camera Profile: Cyclone 3DR


Left click / Tap

Left click + movement / Swipe (1)

Right click / Swipe 2 fingers

Left + Right clicks

Scroll Wheel / Spread-Pinch

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit.svg Orbit perspective


Rotate around the clicked point (the up vector is kept)


Rotate around the current position


images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit_ortho.svg Orbit ortho


Not available

images/download/attachments/122259379/Panorama.svg Panorama


Rotate around the current position or scan position

Not available

images/download/attachments/122259379/fly.svg Fly


Move in the arrow direction

Change the speed

images/download/attachments/122259379/CameraTopOrtho.svg Top ortho


Not available



images/download/attachments/122259379/CameraFrontOrtho.svg Front ortho
(images/s/-mg01yy/8401/8bdd16590a0c0fc5d34174e473e9e416406419a7/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Touch Mode only)


Rotate around the vertical axis in the middle of the view



(1) Resolving interaction conflicts

Some tools require Left click + movement / Swipe interaction to operate properly (such as Free Hand polyline, brush selection, etc.).
In this case:

  • use CTRL modifier to manipulate the camera according to the current mode.

  • or images/download/attachments/122259379/CycloneSelectObjectsPause.svg pause the current tool (S key), allowing only camera movements.


  • Use SHIFT key for rectangular selection

  • Press ALT in order to slow down the rotation.

  • The up vector can't be modified: it is always the Z axis of the current coordinate system.

Camera Profile: 3DReshaper


Left click

Right click

Left + Right clicks

or Middle click

CTRL + Left + Right clicks

or CTRL + Middle click

Scroll Wheel (or Right click+SHIFT)

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit.svg Perspective




Rotate around the current position


images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit.svg Perspective +

images/download/thumbnails/122259379/LockCameraPos-grey_background.png Lock camera position

Not available

Rotate around the locked position

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit.svg Perspective +

images/download/attachments/122259379/UseRefVector.svg Use reference vector

Rotate (the up vector is kept)

Pan (the up vector is kept)

Rotate around the current position (the up vector is kept)

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit.svg Perspective +

images/download/thumbnails/122259379/LockCameraPos-grey_background.png Lock camera position +

images/download/attachments/122259379/UseRefVector.svg Use reference vector

Rotate (the up vector is kept)

Rotate around the locked position (the up vector is kept)

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit_ortho.svg Ortho



images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit_ortho.svg Ortho +

images/download/thumbnails/122259379/LockCameraPos-grey_background.png Lock camera position

Not available

images/download/attachments/122259379/orbit_ortho.svg Ortho +

images/download/attachments/122259379/UseRefVector.svg Use reference vector

Rotate (the up vector is kept)


  • (1): move the mouse while holding the right mouse button down. If the mouse cursor is near the outer edge of the 3D scene border, a rotation around the current view of the screen is performed. Otherwise, the center of the rotation is the clicked point.

  • images/download/attachments/122259379/CrossingWalls.svg Crossing walls: enables moving the view through surfaces or to zoom to the surface but never go through it. This command is not available in orthographic mode.

  • images/download/attachments/122259379/DefineRefVector.svg Define reference vector: set the up vector according to the current view.

  • Press ALT in order to slow down the rotation.

Common selection behavior

Selecting objects is always performed with left button.

If other objects were previously selected, they will be automatically deselected and the previous selection will be replaced by the new one.

If you move the mouse to the right, you will select the objects strictly inside the rectangle; if you move the mouse to the left, you will select the objects touching or inside the rectangle.

If you press the CTRL key, the selected elements will be added into your selection. Inside the Tree view, it is possible to select or deselect objects that are not shown in the graphic zone.

You can use the SHIFT key in the tree to select objects "from/to".

You can use the shortcut CTRL + A in order to select all visible objects.

Useful commands and shortcuts

  • Zoom All images/download/attachments/122259379/ActionZoomAll.svg : means adapt the zoom in order to see all the displayed objects by pressing A on the keyboard or Zoom All.

  • Zoom Window images/download/attachments/122259379/CmdZoomWin.svg ; means adapt the zoom to a drawn a rectangle with the command Zoom Window.

  • Press X, Y, Z, SHIFT-X, SHIFT-Y, SHIFT-Z on the keyboard to respectively set the view along the X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, or -Z axis.

  • See the page Shortcut keys.

Move label:

If you click on a selected label and move the mouse before releasing the button, the position of the label will be set manually.
If you release the button near the border of the scene, the position of the label will be set automatically.
You can also reset the automatic positioning using the contextual menu.