Section vs

images/download/attachments/122259976/CmdCompareInspectSectionVSSection.svg images/download/attachments/122259976/CmdCompareInspectSectionVSCAD.svg images/download/attachments/122259976/CmdCompareInspectSectionVSGeometry.svg

This command calculates a color map to show the deviations between two objects.

Select the two objects to inspect and launch the command.

  • The first selected object is the reference object.

  • The second selected object is the measured object that will be projected on the reference.

The Section here is the measured object for the inspection.

List of reference objects available

  • Section

  • CAD Linear

  • Linear Geometry

Description of the command

  1. The dialog box asks which object should be colored.

  2. When more than 2 objects are compared, you can choose between two association methods:

    1. Closest polyline: each colored object will be associated to one element (the element which has a vertex closest from the colored element).

    2. Closest centroid: each colored object will be associated to one element (the element whose centroid is the closest).

  3. Force projection direction: If you choose not to force the direction, the software will search the closest point in 3D, else you have to enter a direction for the inspection. This option is available if the measured and the reference object are coplanar.

  4. Max distance: Enter the threshold distance over which the points are considered as too far away. These points will not be used for the color map. The default value can be computed with the Restore default value button.

  5. Unsigned inspection: If the two polylines are coplanar, you can make an unsigned inspection.

  6. Detailed report: This option makes available a table, called Inspected points table, which can be added to the report template. Only available if the number of points is lower than 5001.

  7. Validate the command with OK, or, close the dialog box with Cancel.

Once the color mapping is computed, a special object is created with distance and color information. You can edit the colors by clicking on Edit color. The command Edit Colors is launched.