Exercise: Apply the color of a point cloud on a mesh

When a cloud contains color or inspection information, it is possible to apply these colors on the mesh. However, it should not be confused with textures as here we apply just a color on each vertex, not inside a triangle.

Open the file MeshColor.3dr.

This file contains a colored point cloud and two meshes with a different triangle size.

  • Show only the objects Cloud with Color and Mesh with small triangles, select these two objects and go to Take Color from Cloud,

  • Select the option Manual, and let 1 cm for the Distance criteria.

  • Click Preview. The color has been correctly applied on the mesh, and

  • Click OK to validate.

Now, redo this process with the mesh with big triangles. The result will not be correct; there is a big blurring effect due to the triangle size as, with this command, we color only vertices.

images/download/attachments/122259626/image2019-9-17_10-41-53.png When we apply colors from the point cloud on a mesh, the triangle size is very important.