Walls and Floors


This command splits points of a cloud into 3 categories:

  • walls,

  • floors and ceilings,

  • other.


Select the point clouds to split and launch the command.

  1. Set the angular tolerance for walls (maximum angle with nadir-zenith line).

  2. Set the angular tolerance for floors and ceilings (maximum slope).

  3. Choose the point clouds to create:

    1. Walls to classify the points which meet the threshold.

    2. Floors and ceilings to classify the points which meet the threshold.

    3. Other to keep other points.

  4. Click on Preview to display the walls in orange, the floors in blue and other points in grey.


This command computes locally the point cloud normal to make the classification. Consequently, any cleaning or segmentation done before, may result in a slightly different classification.