Extract Cloud


This command converts all polylines, geometrical features, CAD curves and meshes into a unique merged cloud.


Select polylines and/or meshes and/or geometrical features and/or CAD curves and launch the command.

  1. Depending on the type of selected object(s), the software extracts all the vertices of the selected entities and merges them into a unique cloud.
    The minimum distance allows sampling of points on the selected entities. This value does not define a regular "space" between the points of the generated cloud, but a minimum point density.

  2. If you have more than one input objects, Keep colors creates a cloud having a Real Color representation, where each none Real Color input object will transfer its color to their points:

    • in Real Color representation mode, you will see the colored points.

    • in Inspection representation mode, you will see the inspection information, if any.

    • in another representation mode, the color of the cloud will be uniform.

  3. If you have selected a mesh, uncheck Ignore vertices normals to convert current vertices normals into point cloud scanning direction.


If one or more clouds are selected, they will be added in the resulting cloud.

Tips & Tricks

To generate a cloud from a mesh with a regular space between points, you can use the command Grid projection.