Region Grow Rectangle


This command extracts a rectangle according to seed points and visible objects.


To extract a rectangle, launch the command and click a seed on objects.

  1. You can force the length, the width, the center, the normal or the main axis :

    1. Enter the XYZ coordinates in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/122288076/AddPoint.svg to click a point in the scene.

    2. Enter the XYZ values of the vector in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/122288081/Normal1.svg to define a direction in the scene.

    3. Enter the XYZ values of the vector in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/122288084/Normal2.svg to define a direction in the scene.

  2. Set the Extraction tolerance.

  3. Click a seed point.


  • Once a seed point is clicked, the computation is launched. You can cancel the current computation by pressing ESC or by clicking another point.

  • The Extraction tolerance corresponds to the extraction of the plane which contains the rectangle (Extraction performed in two steps: plane and contour extractions).