Cut and Fill


This command calculates, according to a given axis, the embankment and excavation of two models, having or not the same contours (in this case the volume is approximated).

Select 2 meshes and launch the command. The 2 meshes should not be closed.


Volumes will only be calculated in areas where both surfaces used are covered. No volume will be computed where there is coverage by only one surface.

This can mainly happen for external borders and for holes. In such cases, a warning message tells you that the result should be interpreted as an approximation. Thus, check that the input meshes do not have many unwanted holes if you want to get more accurate results.

  1. Choose a direction to compute the cubature. The points from one mesh will be projected on the other mesh along this direction. If you are working on a road project for example, you can choose the Z direction. if you don't know which direction to choose, you can choose Automatic so that the software will find the best direction.

  2. Choose the unit in which you want to have the resulting volumes.

  3. The command calculates the following volumes:

    • volume over mesh n°1 and under mesh n°2 represents excavations.

    • volume under mesh n°1 and over mesh n°2 represents embankments.

    • difference of the 2 previous volumes.