8#include "RshPluginScript/RshPluginScriptDefines.h"
9#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>
12namespace rsh::ScriptBinding
32class EnumsWrapper :
public QObject
36 Q_ENUMS(ViewModeEnum);
37 Q_ENUMS(SketchFabCategories);
105 QScriptContext ipContext,
107 QScriptEngine ipEngine
121 QScriptContext ipContext,
123 QScriptEngine ipEngine
155 QScriptContext ipContext,
157 QScriptEngine ipEngine
197 QScriptContext ipContext,
199 QScriptEngine ipEngine
232 QScriptContext ipContext,
234 QScriptEngine ipEngine
267 QScriptContext ipContext,
269 QScriptEngine ipEngine
297 QScriptContext ipContext,
299 QScriptEngine ipEngine
311 QScriptContext ipContext,
313 QScriptEngine ipEngine
325 QScriptContext ipContext,
327 QScriptEngine ipEngine
339 QScriptContext ipContext,
341 QScriptEngine ipEngine
353 QScriptContext ipContext,
355 QScriptEngine ipEngine
367 QScriptContext ipContext,
369 QScriptEngine ipEngine
383 String DefaultPath =
389 QScriptContext ipContext,
391 QScriptEngine ipEngine
405 String DefaultPath =
411 QScriptContext ipContext,
413 QScriptEngine ipEngine
428 String DefaultPath =
434 QScriptContext ipContext,
436 QScriptEngine ipEngine
448 String DefaultPath =
454 QScriptContext ipContext,
456 QScriptEngine ipEngine
469 QScriptContext ipContext,
471 QScriptEngine ipEngine
483 QScriptContext ipContext,
485 QScriptEngine ipEngine
498 QScriptContext ipContext,
500 QScriptEngine ipEngine
514 QScriptContext ipContext,
516 QScriptEngine ipEngine
Execute( String Program, Array<String> Arguments);
533 QScriptContext ipContext,
535 QScriptEngine ipEngine
548 QScriptContext ipContext,
550 QScriptEngine ipEngine
573 QScriptContext ipContext,
575 QScriptEngine ipEngine
587 QScriptContext ipContext,
589 QScriptEngine ipEngine
598 Array<SComp> TableOfObjects,
606 QScriptContext ipContext,
608 QScriptEngine ipEngine
621 QScriptContext ipContext,
623 QScriptEngine ipEngine
639 QScriptContext ipContext,
641 QScriptEngine ipEngine
657 QScriptContext ipContext,
659 QScriptEngine ipEngine
672 QScriptContext ipContext,
674 QScriptEngine ipEngine
692 QScriptContext ipContext,
694 QScriptEngine ipEngine
709 QScriptContext ipContext,
711 QScriptEngine ipEngine
725 QScriptContext ipContext,
727 QScriptEngine ipEngine
750 Number PointLineMagnification
758 QScriptContext ipContext,
760 QScriptEngine ipEngine
772 QScriptContext ipContext,
774 QScriptEngine ipEngine
787 QScriptContext ipContext,
789 QScriptEngine ipEngine
803 QScriptContext ipContext,
805 QScriptEngine ipEngine
828 QScriptContext ipContext,
830 QScriptEngine ipEngine
845 QScriptContext ipContext,
847 QScriptEngine ipEngine
861 QScriptContext ipContext,
863 QScriptEngine ipEngine
876 QScriptContext ipContext,
878 QScriptEngine ipEngine
891 QScriptContext ipContext,
893 QScriptEngine ipEngine
906 QScriptContext ipContext,
908 QScriptEngine ipEngine
922 QScriptContext ipContext,
924 QScriptEngine ipEngine
940 QScriptContext ipContext,
942 QScriptEngine ipEngine
955 QScriptContext ipContext,
957 QScriptEngine ipEngine
970 QScriptContext ipContext,
972 QScriptEngine ipEngine
GetScaleFactor(QScriptContext ipContext, QScriptEngine ipEngine);
1005 Number iNumberToConvert,
The SComp class is an abstract class. Use derived classes SCircle, SCylinder, SCloud,...
Definition: SComp.h:32
3D point manipulation class. The SPoint creation can be done by calling the static functions:
Definition: SPoint.h:23
The mathematical object vector.
Definition: SVector3.h:26
ScriptUtil is a various toolbox with features to get paths, work on the tree view,...
Definition: ScriptUtilReport.h:17
Array GetCameraPosition()
To get the camera position.
To force Repaint scene of the current document.
Array GetCameraMode()
To check whether the camera mode is in perspective or orthographic view .
Set of the view direction.
Definition: SGeneral.h:48
Definition: SGeneral.h:50
Definition: SGeneral.h:51
Definition: SGeneral.h:52
Definition: SGeneral.h:49
Definition: SGeneral.h:54
Definition: SGeneral.h:53
To clear all the document and the trash. Can be useful to begin with a blank document.
SetCameraMode(ViewModeEnum Mode)
To set the camera in perspective or orthographic view.
SetTextSize(Number Size)
To define character height inside the graphic scene.
copydircontent(String DirOrg, String DirDest)
Copy the content of one folder to another all files and subfolders, recursively.
Definition: SGeneral.h:67
@ Music
Definition: SGeneral.h:78
@ Fashion_Style
Definition: SGeneral.h:75
@ Science_Technology
Definition: SGeneral.h:83
@ Nature_Plants
Definition: SGeneral.h:79
@ Cars_Vehicles
Definition: SGeneral.h:71
@ Characters_Creatures
Definition: SGeneral.h:72
@ Furniture_Home
Definition: SGeneral.h:77
@ Cultural_Heritage_History
Definition: SGeneral.h:73
@ Art_Abstract
Definition: SGeneral.h:70
@ Weapons_Military
Definition: SGeneral.h:85
@ News_Politics
Definition: SGeneral.h:80
@ People
Definition: SGeneral.h:81
@ Architecture
Definition: SGeneral.h:69
@ Places_Travel
Definition: SGeneral.h:82
@ Food_Drink
Definition: SGeneral.h:76
@ Sports_Fitness
Definition: SGeneral.h:84
@ Animals_Pets
Definition: SGeneral.h:68
@ Electronic_Gadgets
Definition: SGeneral.h:74
Number ToLocaleNumber(String StringToConvert)
to convert the string to number using the system's locale settings
String GetSaveFileName(String Caption, String Filter, String DefaultPath="")
This is a convenience function that will return a file name selected by the user. The file does not h...
ZoomFactor(Number factor)
Zoom the scene.
String ToLocaleString(Number NumberToConvert)
to convert a number in a string using the system's locale settings
LockCamera(Boolean lock)
Lock the camera (no rotation possible)
ShowOnly(Array< SComp > compsToShowOnly)
Show only input objects.
String TempPath()
Returns the absolute path of the system's temporary directory.
SetViewDir(ViewDirEnum Dir)
Update the direction of the view.
To make a zoom on all the visible SComp.
Boolean OpenUrl(String Url)
Opens the given url in the appropriate Web browser for the user's desktop environment,...
Remove split on current view.
Keep only current view.
Array IsCameraLocked()
To check whether the camera is locked (no rotation possible) .
Split current view vertically.
String CurrentScriptPath()
This function will return the current script path of the first script evaluated (not the include file...
Split current view horizontally.
Array SendToSketchFab(SComp CompToExport, String Token, String Name, String Description, String Tags, SketchFabCategories Category)
Send a cloud or mesh in SketchFab platform.
Array GetCoordSysTransf()
Get the transformation matrix of the current local coordinate system if exists.
Display application windows Hide tray icon.
Blocking function waiting for all visible objects to be ready to be displayed. This function is usefu...
Create tray icon Hide current windows Show tray icon.
Set of the view direction.
Definition: SGeneral.h:60
Definition: SGeneral.h:61
Definition: SGeneral.h:62
Array ConvertNumberToString(Number iNumberToConvert, String iLocale="")
Convert the number to a string using the given locale settings.
String GetOpenFileName(String Caption, String Filter, String DefaultPath="")
This is a convenience function that returns an existing file selected by the user....
QStringList GetOpenFileNames(String Caption, String Filter, String DefaultPath="")
This is a convenience function that returns a table of existing files selected by the user....
Array OpenDoc(String FileName, Boolean ClearDoc, Boolean ApplyUnit)
To load an .3dr file, all the content of the file will be load in the current document....
String ApplicationPath()
This function will return the application path.
Array SaveDoc(String FileName, Boolean IsOverWrite)
To save a .3dr file. All the content of the current document will be saved. If an object was created ...
Sleep(Number Milliseconds)
To sleep the current script, this sleep function will not block interface.
ShowOnlyInActiveView(Array< SComp > compsToShowOnly)
Show only input objects in the specified view.
Array OpenRsh(String FileName, Boolean ClearDoc, Boolean ApplyUnit)
To load an .3dr file, all the content of the file will be load in the current document....
Array GetThousandSeparator(String iLocale="")
Function to get the separator used for the thousands in the given locale settings.
Array GetListSeparator(String iLocale="")
Function to get the separator list in the given locale settings.
Array GetCameraDirection(SPoint iTargetPt)
To get the camera direction from the camera position to the target pointed by the camera (the point t...
Array CreatePicture(String FileName, Number Height, Number Width, Number Background, Number PointLineMagnification)
To create a picture of the current scene. .
Number Execute(String Program, Array< String > Arguments)
Starts the program program with the arguments arguments in a new process, waits for it to finish,...
String GetOpenFolder(String Caption, String DefaultPath="")
This is a convenience function that returns an existing folder selected by the user....
String ScriptPath()
This function will return the sample script path.
Number GetScaleFactor()
Get the scale factor permitting to convert the current document unit to mm.
Boolean mkdir(String DirName)
Creates a sub-directory called DirName. Returns true on success; otherwise returns false....
Array SaveRsh(String FileName, Boolean IsOverWrite)
To save an .3dr file, all the content of the current document will be save. If an object was created ...
Include(String FileName)
To include other javascript files.
SetActiveView(uint viewNumber,)
Change the active view. i.e set the focus to the view viewNumber. zero-based index.
ZoomOn(Array< SComp > TableOfObjects, Number milliseconds)
To make a zoom on some SComp.