Send to Sketchfab


This command allows you to upload a mesh or a cloud on the Sketchfab platform.


Select a mesh or a cloud and launch the command.

  1. Enter your Token. By default the token is hidden, but you can show it by clicking on the eye button.

  2. Set all the information about your object:

    1. Set a Name

    2. Set Tags to describe your object. Use ";" as separator between 2 tags.

    3. Choose a Category in the list.

    4. Write a Description of your object.

  3. Click Upload to send your 3D model on Sketchfab platform.

  4. A button Open on Sketchfab appears. Click on it to visualize your model on the Sketchfab platform.


  • To find your Token, go to your Sketchfab settings in "Password & API".

  • The objects will be sent with the same aspect than its current representation (single color, real color, inspection, classification...).

  • Clipping objects are ignored by this command: the whole data selected will be sent to the Sketchfab platform.

  • Before sending data to Sketchfab, the software automatically applies a translation so that the centroid of the mesh or of the cloud will be moved to (0, 0, 0).