From Polyline


This command computes CAD curve(s) according to polylines.


Select one or several polylines and launch the command.

  1. To compute a CAD curve based on polylines, 3 methods are available:

    1. Tolerance: the software computes the best curve to respect the maximum tolerance between the polyline and the curve.

    2. Number of control points: you can define the number of control points with the slider. In this mode, the deviation between the polyline and the curve is not managed.

    3. Auto: the software computes the best curve without any other user input.

  2. Give the Extremities Constraints of the curve (options are displayed when the polyline is not closed)

    1. None: no constraint on extremities.

    2. Position: keep the position of the extremity.

    3. Tangency: keep the position of the extremity and apply the tangency on the extremity.