Constraint Mesh


This command creates or modifies a mesh according to one or more polylines.

If you select:

  • point cloud(s), it will be meshed with constraints.

  • mesh, constraints will be added to the mesh.

  • only polylines and sets of polylines, it will create a mesh with polylines as constraints.

The constraint is a polyline, and it means that no triangle is allowed to cross the polyline.


Select point cloud(s) and polyline(s) or a mesh and polyline(s) or polyline(s) only and launch the command.

  1. The option 2D Computation is available only if your selection contains a mesh.

    • If unchecked, we use the mesh properties to determine the best direction.

    • If checked, define a Meshing direction.

  2. The option Deviation is available only if your selection contains a point cloud. It is the 3D deviation error used during calculation (accuracy). A low value allows the meshing of small details but will be very time consuming and creates a very heavy mesh and an aberrant (or noisy) result.

  3. The option Keep all points is available only if your selection contains a point cloud. If checked, it will use all points to create the mesh.

  4. Choose the type of result with Cut in parts option:

    • If checked, the resulting mesh is cut out into pieces to follow the polylines.

    • If unchecked, after meshing, the pieces inside closed polylines are kept.

Tip & Trick

If you want to Cut in parts, the polyline must be closed or use a polyline crossing the mesh in order to have disctinct parts.