Convert Project


This command converts a CloudWorx cloud (Read-only) to a standard cloud. It also can extract images. Thus, you will be able to use all functions.


Load a CloudWorx cloud and launch the command.

  1. Set the Maximum number of points parameter. A selection of most representative points will be done in the CloudWorx cloud according to this limit. If the conversion takes a lot of memory, a dedicated message will indicate the amount of required memory and the current amount of free memory.

  2. Images conversion:

    1. Check Spherical images if you want to convert the cubic images into spherical ones (if the project contains cubic images).

    2. Pegasus Office data: only spherical images can be imported. You can adjust the Minimum step distance between images to reduce the number of imported images.

Tips & Tricks

  • To extract a part of a CloudWorx cloud, you have to select it using limit plane, slice or box functions before launching the command:

    • Only images inside the unclipped area will be extracted.

  • The command is also accessible from the Contextual menu.


  • For IMP data, the number of kept points should be lower (half of requested points) and the maximum is about 50 million.

  • Image masks will be generated while converting.