Eliminate Spikes


This command removes the spikes found in selected mesh(es).


Select the mesh(es) and launch the command.

  1. Choose the Spike criterion, which is the rule that is applied to determine if a vertex must be removed or corrected:

    1. Non manifold vertices only: in this case there is no spike detection, but only correction of topological errors.

    2. Low: after topological error correction, the software detects a low number of points; only the most spiky vertices are detected.

    3. Medium: after topological error correction, the software detects the spikes with a medium intensity.

    4. High: after topological error correction, the software detects a high number of points; even those that are not very spiky are detected.

  2. Adjust the iteration number: The number of loops to execute during the treatment.

  3. Set the Propagation neighborhood limit to detect points that become spiky after suppression of one of their neighbors. This number is the neighborhood level.

  4. Check Recalculate free borders if the points near borders need to be recalculated if they seem incorrect.