Fit on Mesh


This command is used to fit a CAD surface on a mesh. The surface is moved in order to adjust the face (elementary surface) on the mesh (the mesh is not modified).


Select the surface(s) to fit and the mesh and launch the command.

  1. Check Constraint borders if you want to not modify any edges of the input surfaces. Else, you allow modifying all edges.

  2. You can see the deformation of the face inside the 3D scene. You can also see the Maximum distance and Standard deviation between the face and the mesh.


  • The surface must be close to the mesh for a better fitting.

  • The fitting is also dependent of the number of control points: if you have 3 controls points along U and V direction, you cannot correctly fit your surface on a mesh having many different curvature areas.

  • If the surface is bigger than the mesh, it's sometimes better to use Fit on Cloud: control points with no projection on the mesh will be better fitted.

  • Restricted or closed surfaces (such as torus, cylinder, sphere) can't be fitted on meshes.

  • In some cases, the algorithm may fail due to overconstrained fitting. Try to disable Constraint borders.