Scan to Mesh


This command creates a textured mesh from a cloud by segmenting in boxes.


Select a cloud or a CloudWorx cloud and launch the command.

  1. Select the scanner type used for your scan. According to the scanner type, some predefined settings will be chosen:

    1. BLK2GO

    2. BLKARC

    3. BLK2FLY

    4. BLK360

    5. TRK-series

    6. UAV

    7. RTC360

    8. P-series

    9. Custom: edit parameters according to your needs.

  2. Activate the Evaluation mode to sample a cube of the cloud with your current settings. Then you can modify the settings to find the best ones.

  3. Choose either Default or Advanced Settings to display all the settings.

    1. In both modes, you can choose to Ignore scanning directions if your cloud has some.

    2. In Advanced Settings you can choose between three levels of details: Low, Medium, High.

    3. In Advanced Settings you can choose to Create textured mesh to texture with the real color of the cloud.

    4. In Advanced Settings (or Custom mode), you can Edit:

      1. the Box size to mesh smaller or bigger boxes.

      2. the Average distance between points.

      3. the Minimum triangle size of the mesh.

      4. the Pixel size to define the texture resolution.


  • Boxes are computed so as to overlap each other, thus avoiding gaps between boxes.

  • Only unclipped points will be meshed.

Tips & Tricks

While in Evaluation mode, use CTRL while scrolling to edit the size of the box.


See the Exercise: Scan to Mesh in the beginners guide section.