Contour Lines


This command creates contour lines on a mesh.


Select a mesh and launch the command.

  1. Define the Step between each contour line.

  2. Choose the Range of the contours:

    1. All over to have contour lines all over the selection. Check Pass Through to force the section to pass through a given point.

    2. Custom to compute contour lines between two elevations. In this case, you have to define the range. Contour lines will pass through the From value.

  3. Optionally, Major contours frequency. In this case, you need to set the interval between major contours.

  4. Optionally, Filter contours smaller than to remove irrelevant contours.

  5. Customize the aspect with Display options:

    1. Display texts or not,

    2. Change the color of the contours,

    3. Change the width of the contours.

  6. Adjust the Mesh transparency to better see computed contour lines inside the command.

  7. Set Export options to define texts frequency and height in DXF/Send To exports. These settings have to be defined according to the scale of the desired deliverable.


  • Contour lines are always computed along the Z direction of the current coordinate system.

  • The export will use the currently active coordinate system.