Exercise: Reconstruct perfect holes on a mechanical part

In the software, there is a dedicated command to automatically fit mesh borders with polylines in order to have perfect borders/holes.

Open the file MeshImproveBorders.3dr.

In this file, there are a mesh and 5 polylines corresponding to 5 holes. They have been obtained thanks to features extraction (see example in Exercise: Compute best shapes from clouds and polylines) and polylines improvement (see section Improve polylines).

Select the mesh and the 5 polylines and go to Define Borders. There is only one parameter to set: the Cleaning Distance. It is the width of the mesh that will be modified in order to fit to the new border. To define this parameter you can:

  • Enter directly a value

  • Click the button in text field to click two points and then enter two points in order to define the distance

Enter, for example, a value greater than 10, like 11. Click on Preview. The result is bad because one hole has not been reconstructed due to a too high value, as we can see in the results.

Enter now 1.5 then click on Preview again. The result is now perfect like in the following picture. You can click OK to validate.

images/download/attachments/191398462/image2019-9-17_10-29-10.png Borders have been improved in only one click