Probe Feature


This command allows you to measure geometry(ies) using a probe compatible with RDS interface .

Connect the arm, and launch the command. This command is disabled if the arm is not in probe mode.

Feature selection

If the lock button is active images/download/attachments/191398454/Lock.svg , the computed feature will be the locked type. Else, the arrows allow you to choose the right type of features between all available features.

Once the minimum number of points is reached, you can filter the points used for computation by rejecting the worst points with the slider Eliminated points.

Compensation type

Choose the compensation type:

images/download/attachments/191398454/AutomaticComp.svg : automatic (probe direction of the first probed point from the arm to choose the compensation side). The found compensation is displayed in scene below the current feature information

images/download/attachments/191398454/InsideComp.svg : positive compensation (measure inside)

images/download/attachments/191398454/OutsideComp.svg : negative compensation (measure outside)

Projection Plane

This section allows you to define a plane to project the measured feature.

Select the checkbox Define a plane to project the feature to enable the option. There are three ways to define the plane:

  • Select an existing plane in the scene with Select in scene. The command is disabled until the user has clicked a plane or has left with Esc.

  • Define a plane with its center (images/download/attachments/191398454/AddPoint1.svg ) and a direction (images/download/attachments/191398454/Normal1.svg ).

  • Probe a plane with the arm. If you are in scan mode, the button is disabled. The command is disabled until the user has validated.

Coordinate systems

Use coordinate system n° allows you to measure directly in a defined coordinate system. The idea is to make a first measurement and proceed to one or several alignments offline. During these alignments (with the command Geometric Registration, N Points Registration, Best Fit Registration or Axis Registration), you must save or update a coordinate system (from 1 to 9).

If no coordinate system has been saved yet, the option is disabled.


With the Autoview button activeimages/download/thumbnails/191398497/image2018-2-8_10-41-17.png , the 3D scene calculates in real-time the position of the view in order to follow the position of the probe or the current stripe. If you want to disable this function, click on the button.

Arm settings button opens the settings page Arm Settings.


  1. Information about the current computed feature are displayed in the top left corner of the 3D scene.

  2. The slider to eliminate points is not available for cones.

  3. Compensation type is not available for planes.

  4. Projection Plane is only available for linear geometries (circle, roundslot and squareslot).

  5. If the option Define a plane to project the feature is not enabled while you measure a circle or a slot, the taken plane will be the best plane computed from all the points.

  6. If there is an error while connecting the arm, the command will not be displayed, and replaced by this message: Retry connection button will restart the connection.