Smooth Polyline


This command smooths selected polyline(s).


Select the polyline(s) to process and optionally the mesh to project onto and launch the command.

  1. Select the Smoothing type:

    1. The Hard smooth filter gives a very smooth result. However, the small radii becomes larger. Smoothing an open polyline with a very high intensity will converge to a straight segment between first and last point. Smoothing a closed contour with a very high intensity will converge to a point, which is the gravity center of the contour.

    2. The Soft smooth filter is a more complex filter based on first derivative that allows to limit as much as possible increasing the radii. Smoothing an open polyline with a very high intensity will NOT converge to a straight segment like type 1 filter. Smoothing a closed contour with a very high intensity will NOT converge to a point like type 1 filter.

    3. The Smooth as BSpline type smoothing compute a BSpline curve. Points are resampled so that they are regularly spaced along the contour. By default the suggested number of points is the same as in the original line. However, you may change this number.

  2. Adjust the smoothing intensity slider: 1 means that the polyline is not smoothed a lot.

  3. If you want to control the deviation, click the corresponding option and enter the maxi deviation authorized.

  4. Enable the projection of polyline(s) on the chosen mesh by selecting the option Project on mesh. By default, the option is checked if a mesh has been selected.