

This step classifies the parts according to their coverage score (area ratio with associated points).

  1. Define the Coverage thresholds. Depending on the coverage ratio, the parts will be classified:

    1. No data: no coverage, that is to say either not installed or not in measurement range.

    2. Not installed: between 0% and the first threshold.

    3. Incomplete: between both thresholds.

    4. Installed: higher than the second threshold.

  2. Set the Tolerance distance to define the maximum distance to link points and parts.

  3. Set the default Resolution of the inspection. Some IFC types are automatically resampled:

    • 25cm: IfcSlab, IfcWall, IfcCurtainWall

    • 10cm: IfcColumn, IfcBeam, children of IfcDistributionElement

  4. Optionally, Consider surface orientation. This option is highly recommended to improve the matching between points and objects (but only available when the cloud has scanning directions). It may happen that the cloud contains wrong scanning directions or the model has reverted parts: in such situations, disable this option.

  5. Optionally,Optimize with indoor construction site classes to better match objects and points. Note the classification have to be performed prior to the workflow.

  6. Click Compute.

  7. Optionally, display the Isolated points (points not associated to a part).

  8. Optionally, click Reset to adjust the parameters and start again the workflow.

  9. Then click Next to validate and continue (Check).

Indoor classification option

Note that the classification option can optimize the analysis of the following objects:

  • Walls and wall skeletons can only belong to "IfcWall" or "IfcCurtainWall"

  • Ceilings and floors can only belong to "IfcSlab"

All other classified points (e.g.: doors, beams...) will not belong to a specific IFC type but gathered together in "All others" IFC type. Consequently, it is recommended not to use this option if you only analyze this kind of objects.