Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2024.
No Matches
Creating custom form

Introduction to SDialog class

Creating a custom form in script can be achieved through the use of the SDialog class.
It is done in three steps:

  1. Create a SDialog object and set a title
  2. Populate the dialog content with components
  3. Execute the dialog then check the error code and the user field values.


SDialog supports several types of components depending on your use case.

Component Methods
Input text SDialog.AddTextField
Boolean value (checkbox) SDialog.AddBoolean
List of strings (combo box or radio buttons) SDialog.AddChoices
Message SDialog.AddText
Image SDialog.AddImage
Numerical values (without unit) SDialog.AddInt, SDialog.AddFloat
Length SDialog.AddLength
Angle SDialog.AddAngle
3D point coordinates SDialog.AddPoint
3D vector coordinates SDialog.AddVector
  • The point and vector results are returned in WCS
  • Lengths are returned in the document unit
  • Angles are returned in degrees.


Each component supports attributes allowing to customize the behavior and add constraints to improve the user experience.
Refer to each component documentation to additional details.

Attribute Description Optional
id Internal unique key you will have to call to use the result No
name Text you will see in the dialog next to the component. Like the button title, field label, etc. No
tooltip Text displayed when hovering over a component. Yes
choices Table of strings: one for each choice. No
value The default value of the component. Yes
saveValue To specify whether the component value is replaced by the last value given by the user at startup. Yes
readOnly To specify if the user can edit the component or not. Consequently, the component can only display a value. Yes
min/max To restrain the range of numerical components, such as length. Yes
canBeEmpty To specify whether a field can be empty or not. If false, and empty field will turn to red and dialog buttons will be disabled. Yes

As an example, here is a code sample to insert an angle field to an existing dialog:

var errorCodeAngle = myDialog.AddAngle({
id: "key_Angle",
name: "Angle",
tooltip: "Define an angle between 0 and 360 degrees.",
value: 90,
saveValue: true,
min: 0,
max: 360
print("Error the parameter couldn't be inserted.");

General layout

The layout of a dialog is composed of three main areas: a header, a body and a buttons area.


This area allows to place some context or general instructions to the user.
By default, there is no header. It can be inserted by calling SDialog.SetHeader.
Optionally, a logo can be inserted next to the text.


The main area of the dialog where all components are inserted in group.
By default, only one group is created to store all components.
Custom groups can be added through SDialog.BeginGroup.

Dialog buttons

This area contains all validation buttons of the dialog (OK, Cancel, etc.).
Any of these buttons will stop the execution of the SDialog.Run method once it has been clicked.
By default, OK and Cancel buttons are inserted. For specific cases, use SDialog.SetButtons.

Modal popup

SDialog provides also two preset popups for informing the user (SDialog.Message) or for asking the user a question (SDialog.Question).

var answer = SDialog.Question("Do you want to continue?", "Current step");
if(answer == true)
// continue...
Provide simple dialog creation methods.
Definition: Reshaper.h:1337
static boolean Question(string question, string title="Dialog")
Create a dialog to ask a question.

Running the form

Once your form is created and configured, you must call SDialog.Run to execute and show it.
Then the script execution will wait for the user to click a button from the dialog button area to continue the execution.
The output result will contain an error code corresponding to the clicked button and the fields declared as inputs("id").

Full sample

The following example describes how to instantiate a form and fill it with the most common components:

//Manage user coordinate systems and project unit
var currentUCSMatrix=SMatrix.FromActiveCS();
var scaleFactor=GetScaleFactor().Value;//from document unit to mm
//Create a new empty dialog form
var myDialog=SDialog.New("New dialog");
//Fill the dialog
myDialog.SetHeader("Welcome message", "C:\\Program Files\\Leica Geosystems\\Cyclone 3DR\\addons\\Help\\favicon.ico", 15);
myDialog.BeginGroup("Image and message group");
myDialog.AddText("Give any instruction or warning to the user",SDialog.EMessageSeverity.Info);
var addImageFeedBack=myDialog.AddImage("C:\\Program Files\\Leica Geosystems\\Cyclone 3DR\\addons\\Help\\spacelogo.png",-1,35,true);
print("Error when adding an image to the dialog");
myDialog.BeginGroup("Input values");
id: "InputAngle",
name: "Angle",
tooltip: "The angle to set",
value: 90,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
min: 0,
max: 360});
id: "InputLength",
name: "Length",
tooltip: "The Length to set",
value: 10,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
min: 0,
max: 100});
id: "InputInteger",
name: "Integer",
tooltip: "The integer value to set",
value: 5,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
min: 1,
max: 10});
id: "InputFloat",
name: "Float",
tooltip: "The float value to set",
value: 5.1,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
min: 0,
max: 1000 });
id: 'InputText',
name: 'Text',
tooltip : "The text value to set",
value : 'Default text',
saveValue : true,
readOnly: false,
canBeEmpty : false})
id: "InputPoint",
name: "Point",
tooltip: "The point to set",
saveValue: true,
value: SPoint.New(0,0,0),
readOnly: false});
id: "InputVector",
name: "Vector",
tooltip: "The vector to set",
value: SVector.New(0,0,1),
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false});
myDialog.BeginGroup("Input choices");
id: "InputBoolean",
name: "Boolean",
tooltip: "The boolean to set",
value: true,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false });
id: "InputChoice1",
name: "Choice 1",
choices: ["A","B","C"],
tooltip: "Choose between A, B and C",
value: 0,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
style: SDialog.ChoiceRepresentationMode.RadioButtons});
id: "InputChoice2",
name: "Choice 2",
choices: ["a", "b", "c", "d"],
tooltip: "Choose between a, b, c and d",
value: 0,
saveValue: true,
readOnly: false,
style: SDialog.ChoiceRepresentationMode.ComboBox});
myDialog.SetButtons(["Additional question","Watch results","Cancel"]);
//Display the dialog
var dialogResults=myDialog.Run();
//Read the results
case 0: //Additional question, then Watch results
var myPopupAnswer=SDialog.Question("Did you ask for an additional question?","Question popup");
case 1: //Watch results
var results="The results are:\n";
results+="Angle: "+dialogResults.InputAngle+"degree"+"\n";
results+="Angle: "+dialogResults.InputAngle*200/180+"gon"+"\n";
var lengthInDocumentUnit = dialogResults.InputLength; // in document unit
var lengthInmm=lengthInDocumentUnit*scaleFactor; //in mm
results+="Length: "+lengthInDocumentUnit+"(document unit)"+"\n";
results+="Length: "+lengthInmm+"(mm)"+"\n";
results+="Integer: "+dialogResults.InputInteger+"\n";
results+="Float: "+dialogResults.InputFloat+"\n";
results+="Text: "+dialogResults.InputText+"\n";
var pointInWCS = dialogResults.InputPoint; // point is given in WCS
var pointInUCS=SPoint.New(pointInWCS);
pointInUCS.ApplyTransformation(currentUCSMatrix); // same point given in UCS
results+="Point: "+pointInWCS.ValuesToString()+"(WCS)"+"\n";
results+="Point: "+pointInUCS.ValuesToString()+"(UCS)"+"\n";
var vectorInWCS = dialogResults.InputVector; // vector is given in WCS
var vectorInUCS=SVector.New(vectorInWCS);
vectorInUCS.ApplyTransformation(currentUCSMatrix); // same vector given in UCS
results+="Vector: "+vectorInWCS.ValuesToString()+"(WCS)"+"\n";
results+="Vector: "+vectorInUCS.ValuesToString()+"(UCS)"+"\n";
results+="Boolean: "+dialogResults.InputBoolean+"\n";
results+="Radiobuttons Choice1: "+dialogResults.InputChoice1+"\n";
results+="Combolist Choice2: "+dialogResults.InputChoice2;
results+="\n"+"Additionnal question: "+myPopupAnswer;
var myPopupResults=SDialog.Message(results, SDialog.EMessageSeverity.Success, "Results popup");
case 2: //Cancel
default: //The dialog has been closed
ApplyTransformation(SMatrix matrix)
Apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix.
The severity of the message.
Definition: Reshaper.h:1342
static Message(string message, EMessageSeverity severity=SDialog.Instruction, string title="Dialog")
Create a dialog to display a message.
The representation.
Definition: Reshaper.h:1358
static SDialog New(string title="Dialog")
Dialog constructor.
SetHeader(string description, string imagePath="", number maxHeight=150)
Add a description and a logo at the beginning of the Dialog.
Provide matrix with 3 lines and 4 columns to make any transformation.
Definition: Reshaper.h:1899
static SMatrix FromActiveCS()
Return the matrix associated to the active coordinate system.
Provide point edition and creation methods.
Definition: Reshaper.h:6618
static SPoint New()
Default constructor to create an empty new SPoint. X = Y = Z = 0.
Allow the use of the mathematical vector object.
Definition: Reshaper.h:2411
static SVector New()
Empty constructor.
ApplyTransformation(SMatrix matrix)
Apply a geometric transformation to the current SVector by making a product with the given matrix.

This code should display this dialog: