Virtual Surveyor


This command helps to create points or polylines with feature codes and consequently to create survey maps.


No selection is required to launch the command.

Select an existing Virtual Surveyor folder and launch the command to edit it or click the corresponding Play button in the treeview.

  1. Make sure the suitable feature codes have been defined thanks to the Settings button (refer to Virtual Surveyor Settings).

  2. Optionally, Filter layers which will not be used. The corresponding feature codes will not be proposed and the corresponding created objects will be hidden. When clicking on a checkbox, use CTRL to check only the selected layers.

  3. Either create points or polylines thanks to the Geometry Type button.

    1. Define the Next feature code associated to the next clicked point. Available feature codes are defined by the chosen Geometry Type and the checked options in Filter layers.

    2. Click points through the scene (refer to Define points).

  4. Optionally, edit the created objects either from the Objects list or the scene. You can:

    1. Modify the code (the associated color and layer depend on the feature code and its defined setting).

    2. Edit the vertices positions.

    3. Copy/paste the selected object.

    4. Zoom on the selected object.

    5. Remove the selected object or vertex.

  5. Display or not the feature code in the scene using the Show text check box.

  6. Optionally, define the Texts height and Export the results to txt/csv (points only) or to dxf (points + polylines) or Send To the result to another application (refer to Send to). If a UCS is activated, you can choose to export data in this UCS or in WCS.


  1. It is highly recommended to handle the command results from its interface. Some issues may happen by removing data from the treeview.

  2. All objects are identified by a number corresponding to the order of their creation.

  3. Objects with non-existent feature code due to settings modification, will be removed when validating the command.
