Best Cylinder


This command computes the best cylinder from the input objects.

Select the object on which you want to compute a best cylinder and launch the command.

If the number of points is small enough, the software calculates directly the best cylinder otherwise you must click the Preview button to launch the calculation.


  1. You can force the radius or the diameter using the lock for Radius / Diameter and specify a number.

  2. You can force a Center by clicking on the lock. You can either enter the XYZ coordinates in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/113546654/AddPoint.svg to click a point in the scene.

  3. The command allows also to compute automatically the direction or force the direction.

    To define the direction, you can either enter the XYZ values of the vector in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/113546670/Normal1.svg to define a Direction in the scene.

You can remove noisy points using Eliminate worst points. A new shape is computed every time you modify the value.

If you use several input objects, you can choose to compute One shape per input or a best shape for all objects together.

Help for a best fit of a cylinder

Sometimes, when you compute a cylinder, an incorrect extraction may occur. In this case, you can try to “help” the software by entering an approximate axis:

  • Adjust the 3D view so that the view direction nearly corresponds to the cylinder axis.

  • Select Nearly axis and define the direction with the button images/download/attachments/113546840/ScreenNormal.png ( normal to screen). The extraction should be more accurate.