External contour


This command extracts the external contour of a selected mesh(es), polyline(s) or set(s) of polylines. External contour means the contour that you see from a direction.

Select the mesh(es) or polyline(s) or set(s) of polylines and launch the command.


  1. Select a View Direction.

  2. Select the Type of result you need:

    1. 2D Contour (planar)

    2. 3D Contour without auto-intersection

    3. 3D Contour

  3. Enter the Draft angle or 0 if no draft angle is required.

    The option Draft angle is available only if the asked result is 3D Contour without auto-intersection or 3D Contour.

  4. Validate the command with OK, display the result with Preview or close the dialog box with Cancel.