Points on Grid


This command creates a regular sampled point cloud thanks to another point cloud and a grid.

Select a point cloud and launch the command.


Depending on the grid and the point cloud, the computation could be long due to the amount of points to create.


  1. Choose the extraction Mode. You have the following choices:

    1. Ground point: it will create points laying onto the ground of your point cloud

    2. Highest point: it will create points corresponding to the highest area of your point cloud (in the direction perpendicular to the grid)

    3. Lowest point: it will create points corresponding to the lowest area of you point cloud points (in the direction perpendicular to the grid)

  2. Define the Grid parameters:

    1. Define the Grid orientation (always in an horizontal plane)

    2. Enter the Grid step

    3. You can also Define a grid point i.e. a point where an intersection of the grid is supposed to be.

    4. Highest-Lowest Point extraction

      Each point is extracted inside an infinite cylinder with a radius equal to grid step / 10 and respect the constraint of the chosen mode.

      Check Project points on the grid axis to keep a regular grid.

  3. Click Preview to display the resulting cloud, OK to validate or Cancel to exit.