Class to store reporting data. Reporting data corresponds to a chapter of a report. SReportData are used to fill a SReport.
| AddAngle (String iName, AngleUnit angleUnit, Number iAngle) |
| Add a data corresponding to an angle to a SReportData. More...
| AddArea (String iName, AreaUnit areaUnit, Number iArea) |
| Add a data corresponding to an area to a SReportData. More...
Array | AddLabels (String iName, Array< SLabel > iLabelTable) |
| Add a data corresponding to a table of labels to a SReportData. The labels table must contain labels with the same definition. More...
| AddLength (String iName, LengthUnit lengthUnit, Number iLength) |
| Add a data corresponding to a length to a SReportData. More...
| AddNumber (String iName, Number iNumber) |
| Add a data corresponding to a number without unit to a SReportData. More...
| AddPoint (String iName, LengthUnit lengthUnit, SPoint iPoint) |
| Add a data corresponding to a point to a SReportData. More...
| AddText (String iName, String iText) |
| Add a data corresponding to a text to a SReportData. More...
| AddToDoc () |
| Add the report data to the current document. More...
| AddVector (String iName, LengthUnit lengthUnit, SVector iVector) |
| Add a data corresponding to a vector to a SReportData. More...
| AddViewset (String iName, SViewSet iViewset) |
| Add a data corresponding to a ViewSet to a SReportData. More...
| AddVolume (String iName, VolumeUnit volumeUnit, Number iVolume) |
| Add a data corresponding to a volume to a SReportData. More...
| ExportDataXML (String iFilePath) |
| Export all data as a XML file. More...
Array | ExportTableCSV (String iFilesFolder) |
| Export a table as CSV file. More...
static Array | FromName (String iName) |
| To get all the selected SReportData corresponding to the given name. More...
Number | GetAngle (String iName) |
| Get an angle from a SReportData. More...
Number | GetArea (String iName) |
| Get an area from a SReportData. More...
Number | GetLength (String iName) |
| Get a length from a SReportData. More...
Number | GetNumber (String iName) |
| Get a number from a SReportData. More...
SPoint | GetPoint (String iName) |
| Get a point from a SReportData. More...
String | GetText (String iKey) |
| Get a text from a SReportData. More...
SVector | GetVector (String iName) |
| Get a vector from a SReportData. More...
Number | GetVolume (String iName) |
| Get a volume from a SReportData. More...
static SReportData | New (String iName) |
| Create an empty report data. More...
static String | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
| UpdateMainViewSet () |
| Update the main view of a report data with the current 3D view. More...
| AddToDoc () |
| To add the object to the document. More...
static Array | All (Number VisCrit) |
| To get all the SComp in the document. More...
| ApplyTransformation (SMatrix Matrix) |
| To apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix. More...
| Clear () |
| To deallocate object memory. More...
static Array | FromClick () |
| Displays a dialog box to select an SComp in the scene. More...
static Array | FromName (String Name) |
| Search all the component with the given name. More...
static Array | FromSel () |
| To get all the selected SComp. More...
Array | GetBoundingBox () |
| Calculates the bounding box of the component. More...
Array | GetColors () |
| To get the colors of the component. More...
String | GetFolderName () |
String | GetName () |
| Invert () |
| Normal of the component is inverted. More...
Boolean | IsInDoc () |
| Return if the component is in the document or not. More...
Boolean | IsVisible () |
| MoveToGroup (String GroupPath, Boolean MoveInsideTopParent) |
| Move the object to the document group represent by the given path. If some groups, in the path, don't exist, they will be created. More...
| RemoveFromDoc () |
| To remove the object from the document. More...
| SetClippable (Boolean clipping) |
| Set clippable or not. More...
| SetColors (Number Red, Number Green, Number Blue) |
| Sets the colors of the component. More...
| SetName (String ComponentName) |
| To set the component's name. More...
| SetRepresentationType (RepresentationTypeEnum Representation) |
| The shading type of the component is modified. More...
| SetTransparency (Number Alpha) |
| Sets the transparency of the component. More...
| SetVisibility (Boolean Visible) |
| Sets the component to be visible, or not visible. More...
String | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
String | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
| Translate (SVector Vector) |
| To make a translation of the current object with an SVector. More...
| Clear () |
| To deallocate memory of the object. More...
String | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
Class to store reporting data. Reporting data corresponds to a chapter of a report. SReportData are used to fill a SReport.