The mathematical object vector. More...
Public Slots | |
SVector | Add (SVector Vecteur) |
Calculates the sum of the current vector and another vector. More... | |
static Number | Angle (SVector V1, SVector V2) |
Compute the angle in degrees between two 3D vectors. More... | |
ApplyTransformation (SMatrix iMatrix) | |
To apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix. More... | |
static SVector | Cross (SVector V1, SVector V2) |
Make the 3D vectorial product of two 3D vectors (cross product). More... | |
SVector | Div (Number Div) |
To divide a vector by a value. More... | |
static Number | Dot (SVector V1, SVector V2) |
Make the scalar product of two 3D vectors (dot product). More... | |
Boolean | Equals (SVector VectToCompare) |
Number | GetLength () |
Number | GetX () |
Number | GetY () |
Number | GetZ () |
Boolean | IsNull () |
SVector | Mult (Number Multiplicateur) |
To multiply the current vector with a scalar value. More... | |
static SVector | New () |
Default constructor to initialize all values with zero. More... | |
static SVector | New (Number X, Number Y, Number Z) |
Constructs a new SVector by defining its data. More... | |
static SVector | New (SPoint EndPt) |
Constructor from one point. The result is the vector between the origin (0,0,0) and the point EndPt. More... | |
static SVector | New (SPoint StartPt, SPoint EndPt) |
Constructor which initializes the vector between a starting point and an ending point. In other words the vector is initialized to EndPt-StartPt. More... | |
static SVector | New (SVector Other) |
Constructs an SVector by copying the SVector Other. More... | |
Opposite () | |
Calculates a vector's opposite. More... | |
SVector | SetNormed () |
Modifies the 3D vector to have its norm equal to 1. More... | |
SetX (Number X) | |
Sets the X coordinate. More... | |
SetY (Number Y) | |
Sets the Y coordinate. More... | |
SetZ (Number Z) | |
Sets the Z coordinate. More... | |
SVector | Sub (SVector Vecteur) |
Calculates the subtraction of the current vector by another vector. More... | |
String | toString () |
Get the type of the variable. More... | |
static String | toString () |
Get the type of the variable. More... | |
String | ValuesToString () |
Get a string representation of the vector. More... | |
![]() | |
Clear () | |
To deallocate memory of the object. More... | |
String | toString () |
Get the type of the variable. More... | |
The mathematical object vector.
The SVector class provides mathematical vector manipulation.
The SVector creation can be done by calling the static functions:
Calculates the sum of the current vector and another vector.
Compute the angle in degrees between two 3D vectors.
The | angle between the 2 vectors (degrees). |
slot |
To apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix.
Make the 3D vectorial product of two 3D vectors (cross product).
slot |
To divide a vector by a value.
Make the scalar product of two 3D vectors (dot product).
[in] | V1 | First vector |
[in] | V2 | Second vector |
slot |
true | Vectors are equal (nearly to epsilon) |
false | Vectors are not equal (nearly to epsilon) |
slot |
slot |
slot |
slot |
slot |
true | Vector is null |
false | Vector is not null |
slot |
To multiply the current vector with a scalar value.
staticslot |
Default constructor to initialize all values with zero.
staticslot |
Constructs a new SVector by defining its data.
[in] | X | The X coordinate |
[in] | Y | The Y coordinate |
[in] | Z | The Z coordinate |
Constructor from one point. The result is the vector between the origin (0,0,0) and the point EndPt.
Constructor which initializes the vector between a starting point and an ending point.
In other words the vector is initialized to EndPt-StartPt.
slot |
Calculates a vector's opposite.
slot |
Modifies the 3D vector to have its norm equal to 1.
slot |
Sets the X coordinate.
slot |
Sets the Y coordinate.
slot |
Sets the Z coordinate.
Calculates the subtraction of the current vector by another vector.
slot |
Get the type of the variable.
staticslot |
Get the type of the variable.
slot |
Get a string representation of the vector.