BCF (Bim Collaboration Format)

What is BCF?

The BCF file format, standing for BIM Collaboration Format, allows communicating issues between different BIM applications.

More info: https://technical.buildingsmart.org/standards/bcf/

How to generate BCF files?

In Cyclone 3DR, BCF issues can be generated from specific analyses:

Data stored in a BCF file

The content of a BCF issue (or "topic") may depend on the input analysis:

  • textual information

  • scene screenshots (called "viewpoint")

  • additional display data for external viewer ("Visualization information")

  • attachment files


Cyclone 3DR follows the official standard to write the BCF file. The current supported version is 2.1

However, there is no guarantee that this content is fully supported by other BIM platforms.
Please refer to their respective supports for additional information.

Exporting BCF from Inspection Notes

One topic is generated for each created note.

Textual information

BCF data

Note data

Default value (not editable)

Topic Title


Topic Assignee

Assigned To

Topic Description


Topic Priority

Priority (Desktop mode)

Medium (Touch mode)

Topic Type


Topic Status


BIM Inspection Workflow (Touch Mode)

The priority is always set to Medium.

Additionally, the author name is retrieve from the "Author" field defined at the report step.


A viewpoint is generated for each viewset available in the note.

It stores the camera definition (projection, position, direction) and displays at least:

  • the inspected model

  • the inspection labels


If labels are attached to the note, a CSV file containing all deviation values is generated and attached to the topic.

Exporting BCF from Clash Analysis

One topic is generated for each selected clash (filtered clash won't be exported).

Textual information

BCF data

Clash Analysis

Default value (not editable)

Topic Title

Name of the clashed component / Clash Number

Topic Assignee

Assigned To

Topic Description

Clash status + Description

Topic Priority


Topic Type


Topic Status



A viewpoint is generated for each clash view.

It stores the camera definition (projection, position, direction) and displays at least:

  • the clashed model

  • the clash cloud

  • the clash box

Visualization information

The clash box definition is also exported as a set of lines (line markup).