2D Mesh


This command creates a 2D mesh along a direction from point cloud(s).


Select all the points, polylines and clouds and launch the command. All the vertices of these entities will be automatically extracted to make the mesh.

  1. Select a Direction for the meshing calculation.

  2. Enter the deviation error:

    • The points are selected according to this deviation (accuracy).

    • A low value provides a better meshing with small details.

    • Do not enter a value too small, otherwise, the calculation time will be long, the polyhedron will be heavy, and the result will be disappointing (aberrant points, noise, spiky result).

    • With a zero value, all the points will be kept

  3. After the meshing computation, you will have three options to modify the mesh contour.

    • No filter to keep the mesh as is

    • Absolute restriction threshold: based on the "radius" of triangles, the filter will remove the triangles for which the radius is above the threshold. This option is well adapted if you have regular meshes.

    • Relative restriction threshold: for each triangle, we compute the average of the radii of its neighborhood. If the ratio between the triangle's radius and the neighbor's average is above the threshold, the triangle is removed. This option is more suitable for variable point density.

  4. Validate the command with OK, display the result with Preview or close the dialog box with Cancel.


All the points must be visible from the meshing direction; otherwise you will obtain a very spiky result.