Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2022.
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SCwCloud Class Reference

CloudWorx Cloud manipulation class. The SCwCloud creation can be done by calling the static functions:
. More...

#include <SCwCloud.h>

Inheritance diagram for SCwCloud:
SComp SObject

Public Types

enum  CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum {
 Type of Color scheme for a SCwCloud (when representation if Intensity). Use SCwCloud.CWCLOUD_SCHEME_MULTIHUE. More...
 The different representation types for cloudWorx clouds.
enum  CWMeshingMode { LOW , MEDIUM , HIGH }
- Public Types inherited from SComp
enum  RepresentationTypeEnum {
 The different representation types for inherited classes.
Use (inherited class).SMOOTH. Example: for a cloud, use SCloud.SMOOTH. More...

Public Slots

static Array All (Number VisCrit)
 To get all the SComp in the document. More...
static CloseCwProject ()
 If present, remove the existing CwCloud from the current document. More...
static DefineJetStreamServer ()
 Open a dialog to define the JetStream server address and port. More...
static Array FromClick ()
 Launches a click interaction to select a SComp in the scene. More...
static Array FromName (String Name)
 Search all the component with the given name. More...
static Array FromSel ()
 To get all the selected SComp. More...
CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum GetColorScheme ()
 Get the color scheme of the CwCloud. More...
CwCloudRepresentationTypeEnum GetCwCloudRepresentation ()
 Return the current representation. More...
static Array NewFromCwProjectFile (String iFileName)
 Constructor to load a CloudWorx Project. More...
static Array NewFromImpData ()
 Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a IMP file. More...
static Array NewFromJetStreamData ()
 Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a JetStream server. More...
static Array NewFromLGSData ()
 Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a LGS file. More...
static Array NewFromLGSData (String iFileName)
 Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a LGS file. More...
 RegeneratePoints ()
 Ask to regenerate points from the data source. More...
Array SaveCwProject (String iProjectFileName)
 Save the CwCloud into a cwprj file. More...
Array ScanToMesh (CWMeshingMode iMeshingMode, Boolean iTextureFromCloud, Boolean iIgnoreScanDir)
 Create a mesh from predefined settings. More...
 SetColorScheme (CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum iColorScheme)
 Set the color scheme (the color scheme is only define inside the intensity representation) More...
 SetCwCloudRepresentation (CwCloudRepresentationTypeEnum iRepresentation)
 Set the representation of the component. More...
Array ToCloud (Number iNbPointsAsked, Boolean iConvertIntoSpherical, Boolean iConvertCloudOnly)
 Create a SCloud and optionally a SImage table from the CloudWorx cloud. More...
String toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
static String toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
- Public Slots inherited from SComp
 AddToDoc ()
 To add the object to the document. More...
static Array All (Number VisCrit)
 To get all the SComp in the document. More...
 ApplyTransformation (SMatrix iMatrix)
 To apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix. More...
 Clear ()
 To deallocate object memory. More...
static Array FromClick ()
 Launches a click interaction to select a SComp in the scene. More...
static Array FromName (String Name)
 Search all the component with the given name. More...
static Array FromSel ()
 To get all the selected SComp. More...
Array GetBoundingBox ()
 Calculates the bounding box of the component. More...
Array GetColors ()
 To get the colors of the component. More...
String GetFolderName ()
 The component containing folder's name. More...
String GetName ()
 The component's name. More...
String GetPath ()
 To get the full path of a comp in the tree. More...
 Invert ()
 Normal of the component is inverted. More...
Boolean IsInDoc ()
 Return if the component is in the document or not. More...
Boolean IsVisible ()
 MoveToGroup (String GroupPath, Boolean MoveInsideTopParent)
 Move the object to the document group represent by the given path. If some groups, in the path, don't exist, they will be created. More...
 RemoveFromDoc ()
 To remove the object from the document. More...
 SetClippable (Boolean clipping)
 Set clippable or not. More...
 SetColors (Number Red, Number Green, Number Blue)
 Sets the colors of the component. More...
 SetName (String ComponentName)
 To set the component's name. More...
 SetRepresentationType (RepresentationTypeEnum Representation)
 The shading type of the component is modified. More...
 SetTransparency (Number Alpha)
 Sets the transparency of the component. More...
 SetVisibility (Boolean Visible)
 Sets the component to be visible, or not visible. More...
String toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
String toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
 Translate (SVector Vector)
 To make a translation of the current object with an SVector. More...
- Public Slots inherited from SObject
 Clear ()
 To deallocate memory of the object. More...
String toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...

Detailed Description

CloudWorx Cloud manipulation class. The SCwCloud creation can be done by calling the static functions:

  • New() to load a SCwCloud from a server (open a dialog box).
    You need the CloudWorx Cloud plugin to access this feature.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum

Type of Color scheme for a SCwCloud (when representation if Intensity). Use SCwCloud.CWCLOUD_SCHEME_MULTIHUE.


◆ CwCloudRepresentationTypeEnum

The different representation types for cloudWorx clouds.


◆ CWMeshingMode


Member Function Documentation

◆ All

static Array SCwCloud::All ( Number  VisCrit)

To get all the SComp in the document.

Return values
Arrayall the SCwCloud contained in the document
[in]VisCritVisible selection criteria
  • 0 Keep if not visible
  • 1 Keep if visible
  • 2 (Default) Indifferent

◆ CloseCwProject

static SCwCloud::CloseCwProject ( )

If present, remove the existing CwCloud from the current document.

Only the CwCloud will be removed. If you want to remove clipping object you could used ClearDoc() what will removed all objects inside the document.

◆ DefineJetStreamServer

static SCwCloud::DefineJetStreamServer ( )

Open a dialog to define the JetStream server address and port.

◆ FromClick

static Array SCwCloud::FromClick ( )

Launches a click interaction to select a SComp in the scene.

This function will break the script, and wait for user interaction
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, the SComp is selected.
  • 1: Nothing is selected.
  • 2: The ESCape key has been pressed
Array.CwCloudthe SComp selected

◆ FromName

static Array SCwCloud::FromName ( String  Name)

Search all the component with the given name.

Return values
Arrayall the SCwCloud with the given name

◆ FromSel

static Array SCwCloud::FromSel ( )

To get all the selected SComp.

Return values
Arrayall the SCwCloud selected

◆ GetColorScheme

CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum SCwCloud::GetColorScheme ( )

Get the color scheme of the CwCloud.

◆ GetCwCloudRepresentation

CwCloudRepresentationTypeEnum SCwCloud::GetCwCloudRepresentation ( )

Return the current representation.

◆ NewFromCwProjectFile

static Array SCwCloud::NewFromCwProjectFile ( String  iFileName)

Constructor to load a CloudWorx Project.

The cloud is automatically added to the scene.
This function will fail if a CwCloud is already present inside the project
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, a SCwCloud has been loaded.
  • 1: Nothing done.

◆ NewFromImpData

static Array SCwCloud::NewFromImpData ( )

Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a IMP file.

The cloud is automatically added to the scene.
This function will popup a dialog to the user in order to select a cloud from a IMP file
This function will fail if a CwCloud is already present inside the project
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, a SCwCloud has been loaded.
  • 1: Nothing done.
Array.CwCloudThe opened SCwCloud if any

◆ NewFromJetStreamData

static Array SCwCloud::NewFromJetStreamData ( )

Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a JetStream server.

The cloud is automatically added to the scene.
This function will popup a dialog to the user in order to select a cloud on the JetStream server
This function will fail if a CwCloud is already present inside the project
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, a SCwCloud has been loaded.
  • 1: Nothing done.
Array.CwCloudThe opened SCwCloud if any

◆ NewFromLGSData [1/2]

static Array SCwCloud::NewFromLGSData ( )

Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a LGS file.

The cloud is automatically added to the scene.
This function will popup a dialog to the user in order to select a cloud from a LGS file
This function will fail if a CwCloud is already present inside the project
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, a SCwCloud has been loaded.
  • 1: Nothing done.
Array.CwCloudThe opened SCwCloud if any

◆ NewFromLGSData [2/2]

static Array SCwCloud::NewFromLGSData ( String  iFileName)

Constructor to load a CloudWorx Cloud from a LGS file.

The cloud is automatically added to the scene.
This function will fail if a CwCloud is already present inside the project
Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code
  • 0: Success, a SCwCloud has been loaded.
  • 1: Nothing done.
Array.CwCloudThe opened SCwCloud if any

◆ RegeneratePoints

SCwCloud::RegeneratePoints ( )

Ask to regenerate points from the data source.

◆ SaveCwProject

Array SCwCloud::SaveCwProject ( String  iProjectFileName)

Save the CwCloud into a cwprj file.

Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code.
  • 0 OK, No error.
  • 1 An error occurred.
[in]iProjectFileNamefull path of the cwprj file

◆ ScanToMesh

Array SCwCloud::ScanToMesh ( CWMeshingMode  iMeshingMode,
Boolean  iTextureFromCloud,
Boolean  iIgnoreScanDir 

Create a mesh from predefined settings.

[in]iMeshingModeLow / Medium / High
[in]iTextureFromCloudIf true, create a textured mesh from cloud color
[in]iIgnoreScanDirIf true, ignore the scanning directions for computation
Return values
Array.PolyThe mesh
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code:
  • 0 Succeed.
  • 1 An exception occurred.
  • 2 Some part(s) failed during meshing.
  • 3 Some part(s) failed during texturing.
  • 4 Global computation failed.

◆ SetColorScheme

SCwCloud::SetColorScheme ( CwCloudColorSchemeTypeEnum  iColorScheme)

Set the color scheme (the color scheme is only define inside the intensity representation)

◆ SetCwCloudRepresentation

SCwCloud::SetCwCloudRepresentation ( CwCloudRepresentationTypeEnum  iRepresentation)

Set the representation of the component.

[in]iRepresentationThe cloud representation type

◆ ToCloud

Array SCwCloud::ToCloud ( Number  iNbPointsAsked,
Boolean  iConvertIntoSpherical,
Boolean  iConvertCloudOnly 

Create a SCloud and optionally a SImage table from the CloudWorx cloud.

Return values
Array.ErrorCodeThe error code.
  • 0 OK, No error.
  • 1 An error occurred when converting the cloud.
  • 2 Error during images extraction.
  • 3 No image to extract.
Array.CloudThe extracted SCloud.
Array.ImageTblThe extracted SImage table.
[in]iNbPointsAskedAn estimation of the number of points to extract
[in]iConvertIntoSphericalIf true, cubic images will be converted into spherical images
[in]iConvertCloudOnlyIf true, convert cloud + images

◆ toString [1/2]

String SCwCloud::toString ( )

Get the type of the variable.

◆ toString [2/2]

static String SCwCloud::toString ( )

Get the type of the variable.