

This command detects clashes between surfacic objects and clouds and generates report data.


Select meshes, surfacic features, CAD objects or BIM objects and clouds. Then launch the command.

You can also reload a clash project by selecting a clash analysis project or by clicking the corresponding Play button in the treeview.

  1. Set clash detection parameters:

    1. Points closer than the Tolerance value are considered as clashes.

    2. Cluster distance allows merging nearby clashes into one according to a given distance.

    3. Check Analyze per sub-element to make individual analysis of sub-elements which are included in a compound or a BIM object.
      Otherwise, you can ungroup / group CAD elements or edit the BIM objects prior to the command.

    4. After a computation, click Reset to modify these settings: note previous results will be lost since potential clashes will be different.

  2. When computation is done, the user interface guides you to classify potential clashes to create a report. Results will be displayed in a table:

    1. You can filter insignificant clashes using their number of points (Filter clashes).

    2. Then browse the list:

      1. Each object can have several potential clash clusters: each one has to be classified. Use SPACE shortcut to change the status or use the corresponding checkbox. Use the bulb to show/hide the current object.

      2. Optionally, add a comment to describe the clash.

      3. In left view, you will see the corresponding object and the points in clash. Check Navigate to current clash to zoom automatically on the current clash.

      4. In right view, you can visualize the object in its environment. Clash areas are represented by a colored box (the color, like a traffic light, depends on the current classification).

      5. A Limit box is available to focus on each area. It is advised to customize it for each unknown or clash cluster. Click Update Clash View: the right scene will be used in the report.

      6. Click Go to Clash View: the right scene will be updated to show you what view is currently stored. The default view is always a top view.

  3. Optionally, click Export BCF. A file with one issue per cluster will be created, it will contain:

    1. Title: object name and clash number

    2. Assignee: the given name.

    3. Description: the clash status and the comment

    4. Type: "Clash" (not editable through UI)

    5. Priority: "Medium" (not editable through UI)

    6. Author: "Cyclone 3DR" (not editable through UI)

    7. The recorded viewset


It is highly recommended not to modify Clash Analysis folder nevertheless objects can be renamed safely.