Create / Edit Project


This command allows you to create a new tank project or to edit an existing one. You must do this step to have access to the other functions of the module.


To create a new project, you must select the tank mesh.

To edit an existing project, select the project, or any element of the project folder, you want to edit.

1. Give a name to your project

2. Define the Reference markers. The reference markers are the points which will be used to orient the results or to correct the elevation values in some commands.

  • Orientation defines a point used to orient the results. It is used in:

    • Unroll Tank: by default, the unrolled mesh will be "cut" at this point or in the direction of this point if it is not upon the mesh.

    • Roundness: cross sections are displayed with this point in north / up of the screen.

    • Verticality: this point gives the position of 0° to compute radial sections.

    • Differential Settlements: when computing settlement points on a line, by default, the first point is the projection of this point on the line.

  • Elevation defines a point that can be used as level 0 to correct elevation measurements in:

    • Roundness: the position of horizontal sections can be set according to this point, that is to say this point will define the level h=0.

    • Differential Settlements: the altitude values (Z coordinate) of the points located around the bottom circumference can be modified by the Z coordinate of the elevation reference point, so that this point defines the level Z=0.

3. Enter the theoretical Tank height. This value will be used in Best Cylinder command to define the default plumbness tolerance. Do not forget to select the measurement unit as all the resulting values from the API standard (initially expressed in Feet) will be converted in the unit you choose.

4. A shortcut button is available to continue by computing best cylinder shape of the tank.


If you modify an existing project, the results already available from other commands will not be updated automatically.