Show only the mesh Tank Mesh 1 Shell. Select it and launch the function Roundness.
The purpose is to compute sections on the shell as well as on the theoretical shape (the best cylinder) at different heights, and to compare them.
First choose the direction of the sections. They can be created perpendicularly to the axis of the best cylinder computed previously, or can be created perfectly horizontally. Choose the first option “Perpendicular to the best cylinder axis”.
You can choose to use tolerances for the radii according to API 653 or use your own tolerance. Here, keep the API tolerances. It is also possible to define height reference at the lowest point instead of the elevation marker.
Then, define where to create the sections. You can create sections at a regular step all over the tank, or only between given heights. You could also give a list of specific heights where to create sections, or choose the option Click point(s) to visually click on the tank where a section is needed.
Choose the options With a regular step and All over and give a step of 1 m. Click Preview to display the resulting sections.
You can now manage the display of the sections to visualize them easily. In Display Sections choose the option In a grid to display the sections in 2D in a grid. You can then zoom on one and pan the scene to go from one to another.
You can also choose the option Section by section to visualize only one section at a time. Then you have other buttons in the dialog box to switch from one section to the next one.
Choose to show only the section at height 4 (4 m) and click Edit Color. Here, it is possible to adapt the color scale if needed, and also to magnify the deviations in order to see even the smallest ones. Set the cursor on 32 for example.
Then click OK to validate and come back to the previous command.
Magnify the deviations in order to see even the smallest ones
At any time, it is possible to check the option “3D" to visualize the sections in 3D on the tank.
Display the section in 2D and in 3D on the tank
Click OK to validate the results. A new folder called Roundness is created in the tree. It contains all the sections per height (on the tank, on the cylinder and the result of the comparison) and the corresponding points on the center axis.