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Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2023.
This is the complete list of members for SImage, including all inherited members.
ABSTRACT enum value | SImage | |
AddToDoc() | SComp | |
All(VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY) | SImage | static |
ANY_VISIBILITY enum value | SComp | |
ApplyTransformation(SMatrix matrix) | SComp | |
ClearMask() | SImage | |
CreateMaskAuto() | SImage | |
EstimatePose(SImage imageToEstimate, Array< SPoint > crdModel3D, Array< SPoint > crdUVImage, Object options) | SImage | static |
EstimatePose(SImage imageToEstimate, string path, Object options) | SImage | static |
ExportOrthoImage(string outputFilePath, SVector viewDirection, SVector horizontalNormal, SPoint upperLeftCorner, number backgroundColor, number widthInDocumentUnit, number heightInDocumentUnit, number pixelSize, number pointAndLineSize) | SImage | static |
FromClick() | SComp | static |
FromFile(string fileName, number imageType=0) | SImage | static |
FromName(string name) | SImage | static |
FromPix4DProject(string fileName) | SImage | static |
FromSel() | SImage | static |
GetBoundingBox() | SComp | |
GetCameraExternalParameters() | SImage | |
GetCameraInternalParameters() | SImage | |
GetColors() | SComp | |
GetFolderName() | SComp | |
GetImageType() | SImage | |
GetName() | SComp | |
GetOrthoParameters() | SImage | |
GetPath() | SComp | |
GoToCameraViewpoint() | SImage | |
HasMask() | SImage | |
HIDDEN_ONLY enum value | SComp | |
Invert() | SComp | |
IsInDoc() | SComp | |
IsVisible() | SComp | |
MoveToGroup(string groupPath, boolean moveInsideTopParent=true) | SComp | |
New(SImage other, SImageType imageType=SImage.ABSTRACT) | SImage | static |
ORTHO enum value | SImage | |
PERSPECTIVE enum value | SImage | |
RemoveFromDoc() | SComp | |
SetCameraExternalParameters(SCameraExternal externalParams) | SImage | |
SetCameraInternalParameters(SCameraInternal internalParams) | SImage | |
SetClippable(boolean clipping) | SComp | |
SetColors(number red, number green, number blue) | SComp | |
SetMaskFromFile(string maskFilePath) | SImage | |
SetName(string objectName) | SComp | |
SetOrthoParameters(SPoint position, number rotation, number pixelSize) | SImage | |
SetTransparency(number alpha) | SComp | |
SetVisibility(boolean visible) | SComp | |
SImage(SImage other, SImageType imageType=SImage.ABSTRACT) | SImage | |
SImageType enum name | SImage | |
SPHERICAL enum value | SImage | |
SphericalFromPerspectiveImages(Array< SImage > images, number clusteringDistance, SCloud cloud=null) | SImage | static |
toString() | SImage | |
Translate(SVector vector) | SComp | |
VisibilityEnum enum name | SComp | |
VISIBLE_ONLY enum value | SComp |