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Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2023.
This is the complete list of members for SPoly, including all inherited members.
AddToDoc() | SComp | |
All(VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY) | SPoly | static |
ALL_CLOSED enum value | SPoly | |
ANY_VISIBILITY enum value | SComp | |
ApplyTransformation(SMatrix matrix) | SComp | |
BEST_POS enum value | SPoly | |
BLK2FLY enum value | SPoly | |
BLK2GO enum value | SPoly | |
BLK360 enum value | SPoly | |
BLKARC enum value | SPoly | |
BooleanAdd(SPoly poly) | SPoly | |
BooleanCommon(SPoly poly) | SPoly | |
BooleanCutIn(SPoly poly) | SPoly | |
BooleanCutOut(SPoly poly) | SPoly | |
BooleanOperation(SPoly poly, boolean isCutPoly=false) | SPoly | |
BooleanSub(SPoly poly) | SPoly | |
BordersEnum enum name | SPoly | |
Clear() | SPoly | |
CLOSE enum value | SPoly | |
ColorAlongDir(Array< SPoly > polys, SVector directionVect, SPoint origin=null) | SPoly | static |
Compare(SCloud measCloud, number distMax, number mappingObject=1, boolean isIgnoreEdge=false, SVector direction=null, number maxCosAngle=-2, boolean isCheckForThinParts=false) | SPoly | |
Compare(SPoly measPoly, number distMax, number mappingObject=1, boolean isIgnoreEdge=false, SVector direction=null, number maxCosAngle=0, boolean isCheckForThinParts=false) | SPoly | |
ConstraintMesh2D(SCloud cloudOfPoints, Array< SMultiline > setOfMultilines, SVector meshDir, number tolerance, number zoneType) | SPoly | static |
ConstraintMesh3D(SCloud cloudOfPoints, Array< SMultiline > setOfMultilines, number tolerance, number zoneType) | SPoly | |
CreateCompound(Array< SPoly > tablePoly, boolean optOrient=false) | SPoly | static |
Cubature(SPoly secondPoly, SVector projDir=SVector()) | SPoly | |
CYL_FORCE_CENTER enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_FORCE_DIRECTION enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_FORCE_NOTHING enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_FORCE_RADIUS enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_INIT_CENTER enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_INIT_DIRECTION enum value | SPoly | |
CYL_INIT_RADIUS enum value | SPoly | |
CylinderEnum enum name | SPoly | |
DeviationOptionEnum enum name | SPoly | |
Direct3DMesh(SCloud cloudToMesh, number deviationError, number minAverageDist, HoleOptionEnum optionHole, number sizeTriHole, boolean isScanDirIgnored=false) | SPoly | static |
DirectionMesh(SCloud cloudOfPoints, SVector meshingDirection, number tolerance, boolean isFindContour=false) | SPoly | static |
EExportVertexColor enum name | SPoly | |
Explode() | SPoly | |
ExplodeColor() | SPoly | |
ExplodeWithInspectionSteps() | SPoly | |
EXPORT_FBX_INSPECTION enum value | SPoly | |
EXPORT_FBX_NO_COLOR enum value | SPoly | |
EXPORT_FBX_REAL_COLOR enum value | SPoly | |
EXTEND_REFINE enum value | SPoly | |
ExtractCylinder(Array< SPoint > seedPoint, number tolerance, CylinderEnum force=SPoly.CYL_FORCE_NOTHING, SPoint center=null, SVector directionVector=SVector(), number radius=0) | SPoly | |
ExtractFeatureLines(number smoothingIntensity=0) | SPoly | |
ExtractLine(SPoint seedPoint, number tolerance, LineEnum force=SPoly.LINE_FORCE_NOTHING, SPoint passingPoint=SPoint(), SVector directionVector=SVector()) | SPoly | |
ExtractPlane(SPoint seedPoint, number tolerance) | SPoly | |
ExtractSphere(Array< SPoint > seedPoint, number tolerance, SphereEnum force=SPoly.SPHERE_FORCE_NOTHING, SPoint center=null, number radius=0) | SPoly | |
Extrusion(SMultiline profile, SMultiline path, boolean turnWithPath=true, boolean perpendicularToPath=true, SMultiline secondPath=null, RotateEnum option=SPoly.ROTATE_AUTO, SPoint rotatePt=null) | SPoly | static |
FILL_HOLES enum value | SPoly | |
FillContours(Array< SMultiline > contourTable, number tension=0.732, number wallThickness=-1, boolean isForceNonSmoothShape=false) | SPoly | |
FillHoles(Array< SPoint > pointTable, number tension=0, number wallThickness=-1) | SPoly | |
FillHolesDirection(SVector direction, Array< SPoint > pointTable, number tension=0) | SPoly | |
FromClick() | SPoly | static |
FromFile(string fileName) | SPoly | static |
FromName(string name) | SPoly | static |
FromSel() | SPoly | static |
Fusion(Array< SPoly > polyTable, FusionOptionEnum option, number accuracyPoint=1e-05, number accuracyBorders=0.001) | SPoly | static |
FusionOptionEnum enum name | SPoly | |
GetBoundingBox() | SComp | |
GetColorGradient() | SPoly | |
GetColors() | SComp | |
GetContours() | SPoly | |
GetFolderName() | SComp | |
GetHighestPoint(SVector direction) | SPoly | |
GetInertiaMatrix(boolean doStopIfClosed=true) | SPoly | |
GetLowestPoint(SVector direction) | SPoly | |
GetName() | SComp | |
GetNbPieces() | SPoly | |
GetPath() | SComp | |
GetSilhouette(SVector viewDirection, number draftAngle, number minClosedLine, number minUnclosedLine, number resultType) | SPoly | |
GetSurface() | SPoly | |
GetTriangleSize() | SPoly | |
GetTrianglesNumber() | SPoly | |
GetVolume(boolean isOnlyIfClosed=true) | SPoly | |
HIDDEN_ONLY enum value | SComp | |
HoleOptionEnum enum name | SPoly | |
INSIDE_CLOSED enum value | SPoly | |
InterInfLine(SPoint point, SVector vect) | SPoly | |
Intersect(SPoly poly, number option) | SPoly | |
Invert() | SComp | |
IsInDoc() | SComp | |
IsVisible() | SComp | |
JoinContour(Array< SMultiline > multiLines, Array< SPoly > polyhedrons, number tangency1=0, number tangency2=0, number tension=0.732, boolean reorganize=false, number nbPoint=0) | SPoly | static |
KEEP_EQUI enum value | SPoly | |
LINE_FORCE_DIRECTION enum value | SPoly | |
LINE_FORCE_NOTHING enum value | SPoly | |
LINE_FORCE_POINT enum value | SPoly | |
LinearExtrusion(number length, SVector direction, boolean closeExtremities, Array< SComp > comps) | SPoly | static |
LineEnum enum name | SPoly | |
LoadColorGradient(string filePath) | SPoly | |
LocalizeValues(Array< number > thresholdList) | SPoly | |
MergeCommonBorders(Array< SPoly > polyTable, FusionOptionEnum option, number accuracyPoint=1e-05, number accuracyBorders=0.001) | SPoly | static |
MeshSegmentation(number angleThreshold=15, number mergeMaxDistance=0, number minRegionArea=0, number classificationMaxDistance=0, SegmentationFeaturesEnum featuresOption=SPoly.SEGMENTATION_All) | SPoly | |
MoveToGroup(string groupPath, boolean moveInsideTopParent=true) | SComp | |
New() | SPoly | static |
New(SPoly other) | SPoly | static |
NO_AUTO_INTERSECTION enum value | SPoly | |
NO_CHANGE enum value | SPoly | |
NO_CLOSED enum value | SPoly | |
NORMAL_OFFSET enum value | SPoly | |
Offset(boolean isDirect, number distCoef, OffsetEnum option=SPoly.NORMAL_OFFSET) | SPoly | |
OffsetEnum enum name | SPoly | |
ON_BORDERS enum value | SPoly | |
PipeTubeAlongPath(number radius, boolean closeExtremities, Array< SComp > comps) | SPoly | static |
POLY_COLORED enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_FLAT enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_FLAT_TEXTURE_COLOR enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_FLAT_WIRE enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_INSPECTION enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_SMOOTH enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_SMOOTH_COMPLEX_SURF enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_SMOOTH_KEEP_DETAILS enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_SMOOTH_REALTIME enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_SMOOTH_WIRE enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_TEXTURE enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_TEXTURE_ASYNC enum value | SPoly | |
POLY_WIRE enum value | SPoly | |
PolyRepresentationTypeEnum enum name | SPoly | |
ProfileAlongPath(SComp profile, SComp path, boolean makePerpendicular, boolean turnWthCurve, boolean usePathToLeanOn, boolean startAtProfilePosition, boolean closeExtremities, SComp pathToLeanOn) | SPoly | static |
ProfileAlongPath(SComp profile, SComp path, boolean turnWthPath, SPoint profileBasePoint, SComp leanPath, SPoint profileLeanPoint, boolean closeExtremities) | SPoly | static |
Proj3D(SMultiline multilineToProject, boolean addIntermediatePt=true) | SPoly | |
Proj3D(SPoint point) | SPoly | |
ProjDir(SMultiline multilineToProject, SVector direction, boolean addIntermediatePt=true, boolean isSignedProjection=false) | SPoly | |
ProjDir(SPoint point, SVector direction, boolean isSignedProjection=false) | SPoly | |
PSeries enum value | SPoly | |
Reduce(number targetNbVertex, number minAngle) | SPoly | |
ReduceDeviation(number deviationError, DeviationOptionEnum criteria, boolean isSharpEdgeKept=false, number deviationOnSharpEdges=0, number sharpEdgeAngleValue=0, number maxEdgeLength=0, number deviationOnBorders=0) | SPoly | |
REFINE enum value | SPoly | |
REMESH enum value | SPoly | |
RemeshRefineDev(number deviation, number sizeMin, number maxiTriNumber, BordersEnum borderOption, number distanceWrongPoints, number reorganize, SCloud cloud=null, number maxCosAngle=-1) | SPoly | |
RemeshSharpEdge(Array< SMultiline > lines, SPoint referencePoint) | SPoly | |
RemoveFromDoc() | SComp | |
RemoveSpikes(number loopNumber=1, number propag=-1, number intensity=1, boolean isRecomputeBorder=true) | SPoly | |
RemoveTrianglesOnHoles(SCloud cloud, number holeSize, number maxDistToCloud=-1, number maxAngle=-1) | SPoly | |
ROTATE_AUTO enum value | SPoly | |
ROTATE_CENTROID enum value | SPoly | |
ROTATE_INTERSECTION enum value | SPoly | |
ROTATE_USER_DEFINE enum value | SPoly | |
RotateEnum enum name | SPoly | |
RTC360 enum value | SPoly | |
Save(string filePath, boolean isTextExport=false, SMatrix coordinateSystemMatrix=SMatrix()) | SPoly | |
SaveColorGradient(string filePath) | SPoly | |
SaveFBX(string filePath, Array< SPoly > meshesToExport, boolean isExportTexture=false, EExportVertexColor exportVertexColor=SPoly.EXPORT_FBX_NO_COLOR, SMatrix coordinateSystemMatrix=SMatrix()) | SPoly | static |
ScannerType enum name | SPoly | |
ScanToMesh(SCwCloud cloud, ScannerType scannerType, boolean textureFromCloud, boolean ignoreScanDir=false) | SPoly | static |
ScanToMesh(SCwCloud cloud, number boxSize, number averagePointDistance, number minTriangleSize, number texturePixelSize=0.01, boolean ignoreScanDir=false) | SPoly | static |
ScanToMesh(SCloud cloud, ScannerType scannerType, boolean textureFromCloud, boolean ignoreScanDir=false) | SPoly | static |
ScanToMesh(SCloud cloud, number boxSize, number averagePointDistance, number minTriangleSize, number texturePixelSize=0.01, boolean ignoreScanDir=false) | SPoly | static |
SectionCylindric(SPoint firstPointOnAxis, SPoint secondPointOnAxis, SPoint pointOnTheFirstCylinder, number numberOfCylinders, number distancebetweenCylinders) | SPoly | |
SectionOnMulti(SMultiline multiLine, Array< number > listDist, number maxDist, number optBitMask=0) | SPoly | |
SectionOnMultiReg(SMultiline multiLine, number dist, number maxDist, number optBitMask=0) | SPoly | |
SectionPlane(SVector planeNormal, SPoint ptFirstPlane, number nbPlanes, number distance) | SPoly | |
SectionRadial(SPoint firstPointOnAxis, SPoint secondPointOnAxis, SPoint ptFirstPlane, number nbSections, number maxAngleInRadian) | SPoly | |
SEGMENTATION_All enum value | SPoly | |
SEGMENTATION_CONE enum value | SPoly | |
SEGMENTATION_CYLINDER enum value | SPoly | |
SEGMENTATION_PLANE enum value | SPoly | |
SEGMENTATION_SPHERE enum value | SPoly | |
SegmentationFeaturesEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SeparateTriangleBox(SPoint lowerPoint, SPoint upperPoint, SeparateTriBoxEnum selType, SeparateTriBoxSelectEnum whichPartToKeep) | SPoly | |
SeparateTriangleInPrism(SMultiline profil, number distance, SeparateTriBoxEnum selType, SeparateTriBoxSelectEnum whichPartToKeep) | SPoly | |
SeparateTriangleSize(number smallestSize, number biggestSize) | SPoly | |
SeparateTriangleWithActivatedClippingPlanes(Array< SClippingPlane > clippingPlanes, SeparateTriBoxEnum selType) | SPoly | |
SeparateTriBoxEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SeparateTriBoxSelectEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SetBorders(Array< SMultiline > multiTbl, number remeshDistance) | SPoly | |
SetClippable(boolean clipping) | SComp | |
SetColors(number red, number green, number blue) | SComp | |
SetName(string objectName) | SComp | |
SetPolyRepresentation(PolyRepresentationTypeEnum representation) | SPoly | |
SetTransparency(number alpha) | SComp | |
SetVisibility(boolean visible) | SComp | |
SIMPLE enum value | SPoly | |
Smooth(number loopNumber, SmoothEnum option, number maxiDeviation, boolean isReorganise, number minAngleReorg, number refineDistProj=-1, number refineVrtxAngle=-1, number angleSharpEdge=-1, number nbTriMax=-1) | SPoly | |
SmoothBorders(Array< SPoint > pointTable, number maxEdgeLength=0) | SPoly | |
SmoothEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SPHERE_FORCE_CENTER enum value | SPoly | |
SPHERE_FORCE_NOTHING enum value | SPoly | |
SPHERE_FORCE_RADIUS enum value | SPoly | |
SphereEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SphericalMesh(Array< SCloud > cloudOfPoints, SPoint scanPos, number regularSampling, number deviationErr, number maxiNbTriangle, number alphaShapeThreshold, number maxSizeThreshold, number minSizeThreshold, number deleteSmall) | SPoly | static |
SPoly() | SPoly | |
SPoly(SPoly other) | SPoly | |
StitchOverlap(SPoly meshToStitch, number tolDist, StitchOverlapEnum options) | SPoly | |
StitchOverlapEnum enum name | SPoly | |
SubdivideTriangles(number maxEdgeLength, boolean ignoreFreeEdges=false, number limitCos=0, boolean preserveGeometry=false) | SPoly | |
Tolerance3DMesh(SCloud cloud, number deviation, number distanceWrongPoints, number sizeTriMax, boolean isReorganize, number extension, boolean isNoiseReduct) | SPoly | |
toString() | SPoly | |
Translate(SVector vector) | SComp | |
TRKSeries enum value | SPoly | |
UAV enum value | SPoly | |
ValuesToString() | SPoly | |
VisibilityEnum enum name | SComp | |
VISIBLE_ONLY enum value | SComp | |
VolumeFromElevation(Array< number > elevations, SVector projDir=SVector()) | SPoly | |
WriteOnMesh(string textToWrite, SVector textNormal, SVector textHorizontalNormal, SPoint textPosition, number textDepth, number planeDepth, number scale, string font="Arial", boolean isBold=false, boolean isItalic=false, number writingStyle=1) | SPoly |