Undo / Redo

The software is developed according to the Microsoft Windows standard, in particular:

  • You can cancel the last actions using Undo or CTRL+Z. You can undo until the beginning of your work session.

  • You can restore the last actions using Redo or CTRL+Y.

The main problem with traditional applications using "undo" is that you cannot restore an object deleted 10 commands back without undoing the 9 previous commands that you would like to keep. To get over this problem the software gives you an access to the undo stack, which is named recycle bin, where deleted objects are stored. When you modify or delete an object, the original is stored in the recycle bin. If you Undo this original, it is restored in your work session. At any time, you can restore an object from the recycle bin. For that, you just need to:

  • Open the recycle bin

  • Select the component(s) to restore. The selected object is temporarily highlighted while you press the left button so that you can see it

  • Click with the right button to open the contextual menu

  • Choose the restore command

If you handle very big objects, it is possible that the memory of your computer will be saturated if you store too many objects in the recycle bin. You may decide to delete the objects from the recycle bin:

  • Open the recycle bin

  • Select the component(s) to delete. Then, press the key DEL or use the contextual menu Delete command

  • A warning message appears to remind you that restore and undo operation will not be possible

  • Click OK

The software will delete these objects and corresponding undo operations. You can also delete all the objects in the recycle bin (manually or through the contextual menu after doing a right click on it and using EmptyRecycleBin).

Some operations, like the view management (split, rotation...), open/save/close a document ... are not managed by the undo system.