

This command does the following operations:

  • allow to choose what to export

  • open a dialog-box to name the exported file

  • open a second dialog-box according to the chosen format to specify export options

  • create one or more files according to the format and the objects to export


You can enter this command in 2 different ways:

  • without selection: you can choose to export all objects or the visible ones

  • with any selected object: you can also choose to export selected objects

  1. Choose what you want to export by using the radio buttons.

  2. Click the button File to export, then choose the name and the format of the file to export.

  3. According to your previous choices, a list of all concerned object types is displayed, and some symbols inform you of the possibility to export each object type in the chosen format.

  4. According to the chosen file format, a second dialog box appears on the right of the first one. It allows you to customize the export. For most of the export formats, you can also choose the unit to use for the export.

  5. Validate with the Export button.


For file format exporting one object per file, if more than one object is chosen, the software will not test if the file already exists. It makes a file name merging:

  • The text you enter inside the dialog box

  • The name of the entities you can see inside the object explorer

For example, if you select 2 objects whose names are respectively "house" and "statue" and you enter the text "Cloud_" inside the dialog box, the resulting file names Cloud_house and Cloud_statue will be generated.

Technical information

File format


.asc (Cloud)





  • Saves points and clouds inside an ASCII file

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • You can configure the file's content:

    1. Content: You can choose the columns you want to export by selecting a predefined configuration in the list or by clicking on column's headers and choosing the right definition on the menu. Only available data 100 first lines are shown. When an inspection is defined in the cloud, you can export inspection as color (in this case, the colors are determined by inspection). To do so, check the Inspection values transformed in color checkbox. You can also choose the number of decimals to export (between 0 and 6).

    2. Delimiter: Define in this part the delimiter used to separate each column


  • Saves points and clouds inside a binary file

  • These files can only be read by 3DR Software

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • Cloud classification data can be exported


  • Saves points and clouds inside an ASCII PTS file (Leica Geosystems format)

  • Creates one file containing all clouds


  • Saves clouds inside an ASCII PTX file (Leica Geosystems format)

  • Enabled only if the clouds contain scanning positions

  • Creates one file containing all clouds



  • Saves points and clouds inside a LAS/LAZ format file (version 1.4)

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • Cloud classification data can be exported

  • These formats also export the current class color for each point (optionally when real colors already exist)


  • Saves clouds (intensity or inspection values, RGB colors, Classification, setup positions and scan directions) and clipping objects.

  • Saves trajectories (they have to be sent with at least a cloud).

  • Coordinate systems are always saved, regardless of the selection. Data will be stored in WCS and the current UCS will be flagged as "Current".

  • Generated files can be password protected

  • Requirement: Publisher or Publisher PRO license


  • Saves clouds (including scanning directions, classification, timestamp and gridded information if available) inside an e57 file.

  • This format is not designed to store the scanning directions: they will be inserted as normals.

  • You can choose to export all clouds in a single file (default) or to create one file per setup/track.

  • Saves perspective, cubefaces, spherical images and set of images. The images masks will not be added to the created file.

  • Images and clouds will be grouped using their setup positions.


ASCII or Binary

  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a STL ASCII or Binary format file

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • Note Binary is more compact than STL ASCII format, but cannot be read by text editor


  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a MSD format file

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • These files can only be read by 3DR Software

  • Keeps inspection values (not the color gradient)


  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a ASCII polyhedron format file (with topology)

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • This format is mostly used by programmers. The format is the following:

File content


0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0 2 1 -1 1 -1
2 3 1 -1 -1 0

Number of vertices
3D point n°0
3D point n°1
3D point n°2
3D point n°3
Number of triangles
Point0 Point1 Point2 Neighbor0 Neighbor1 Neighbor2
Point0 Point1 Point2 Neighbor0 Neighbor1 Neighbor2

Note: -1 means no neighbor on this edge.

Note: Neighbor 0, 1 and 2 refer to a triangle number, which is neighbor on edge number 0, 1 and 2. In the previous example, you can see that the triangle T0-edge1 is neighbor of triangle T1. T1-edge2 is neighbor of triangle T0.


ASCII or Binary

  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a Polygon File format file

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • This is an indexed format similar to the .poly. It is possible to export in a binary or ASCII file

  • This format gives the possibility to also export inspection values and colors


  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a binary FBX format file

  • This format can store several meshes/ surfacic geometric features

  • This format gives the possibility to also export color information applied on mesh vertices (textures and real or inspection or triangle colors). The first selected mesh enables the color options available.


  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a OBJ format file

  • Creates as many files as objects to export

  • This format gives the possibility to also export color information applied on vertices (textures, real or inspection colors). This information is saved in MTL files. You can choose to create one MTL file for all textures or one per texture. If the objects exported have both texture and inspection color, only the texture will be exported


  • Saves meshes inside a GLB format file

  • This format can store several meshes

  • This format gives the possibility to also export color information applied on vertices (textures, real or inspection colors). If the objects exported have both texture and inspection color, only the texture will be exported


  • Saves meshes or surfacic geometric features inside a ASCII Leica format file

  • Creates one file containing all meshes



  • Saves chosen objects inside an IGES format file

  • The exportable objects are CAD objects (Edge, Face, Shell...), clouds, polylines, geometric objects or simple points

  • Creates one file containing all objects

  • To export in this format, the point clouds should not be too big



  • Saves chosen objects inside a STEP format file

  • The exportable objects are CAD objects (Edge, Face, Shell...), clouds, polylines, geometric objects or simple points

  • Creates one file containing all objects


  • Saves chosen objects in Autocad .dxf format

  • The exportable objects are CAD objects (Edge, Face, Shell...), clouds, polylines, meshes, geometric objects, simple points or texts

  • Creates one file containing all objects

  • You can:

    • choose to export meshes as a set of polylines by checking the option

    • define the distance between texts along contours lines

    • define the texts height



  • Saves meshes in IFC (or zipped IFC) file format ( IFC2X3 version)

  • If several meshes are exported, they will be automatically grouped in a compound first

  • The exported meshes will define the geometry of the IFC Site (ground mesh)

  • You can override the default IFC Site origin. This IFC Site origin has to be fulfilled in the current document unit. This may be suitable with large coordinates and won't modify the georeferencing.

  • Exchanges between Autodesk Revit and 3DR: Revit internal coordinates are not georeferenced:

    • If the georeferencing doesn't matter, you can keep Revit internal coordinates. Use the internal origin with orientation when exporting IFC from Revit; just export using the WCS when exporting IFC from 3DR.

    • Otherwise, you can export the IFC using a UCS defining an offset with the WCS. This offset has to be similarly defined in Revit. In other words:

      • Either the WCS stands for the georeferenced space and the UCS for the internal coordinate space

      • Or the WCS stands for the internal coordinate space and the UCS for the georeferenced space.


  • Saves meshes, surfacic geometric features, multilines or points inside a LandXML file format (from Leica MS50 for example)

  • Creates as many files as objects to export



  • Saves polylines or linear geometric features inside an ASCII format file

  • Creates one file containing all objects

  • Each polyline begins with the letter 'D' like "departure" and ends with letters 'E' (like "end") or 'F'

Example (note that first polyline is closed because the first point is repeated at the end):

280.905524 -311.389365 0.000000
350.905524 -241.389365 0.000000350.905524 238.610635 0.000000280.905524 -311.389365 0.000000F
290.905524 78.610635 0.000000
290.332831 76.287026 0.000000
288.745856 74.495706 0.000000


  • Saves polylines or linear geometric features inside an ASCII format file

  • Creates one file containing all objects


  • Saves images and set of images inside an image format file