Take Color from Cloud


Use the colors from point clouds to color a mesh.

Select the mesh to be colored and the cloud(s) containing the color information and launch the command.


The color associated to each vertex of the mesh provides a colored mesh and not a textured mesh. The texturing process is the association, on each vertex, of a (u,v) coordinate, which defines the associated pixel of a 2D picture to be mapped on the mesh. Here, in this command, there is no image associated with the mesh. The result looks like a texture but it is not really a texture. It is the reason why we use the expression colored mesh. To texture the mesh, use the command Texture from Images.


  1. The distance criteria defines the threshold above which the closest point of the cloud is rejected and will not be used for coloring the vertex. You can:

    1. use an automatic threshold (1%)

    2. enter a specific value by clicking on the manual button

  2. The color option defines the default color (which can be modified using the corresponding button). This default color will only apply to vertices for which no point of the cloud could be found within the threshold distance. If the input mesh is already colored before launching the command, you will have two more choices:

    1. You can use the first option Complete existing color, so that the initial color of the vertex will not be modified in this particular case.

    2. You can choose Overwrite existing color, to apply default color to rejected vertices, losing the previous color information.

  3. In case of clouds with inspection and color, you can color the mesh with the inspection colors thanks to the option Use inspection instead of color.

  4. Press Preview to see the result, OK to validate or Cancel to exit.


A colored mesh can be used like any other mesh. However, if you clean or smooth the mesh, the color information may be lost or have a bad quality. Then it is possible, at any time, to update the color again.


As the color information is only present on vertices, there is a color interpolation on the portion of surface between two vertices. Then, if the density of points is not high enough you may get a poor quality color representation.