Texture Material


This function allows you to texture a model with a pattern which will be repeated several times according to a direction.

Select a mesh and the image to apply. Then launch the command.


  1. Define the number of repetitions:

    1. The number is the number of repetition either Along width or Along height.

    2. To avoid a picture deformation, you can select the option Keep proportions.


    The number of repetitions in height is computed from the number of repetitions in width and the size of the mesh.

  2. Define mapping settings:

    1. Direction: the picture will be projected on the mesh according to this direction.

    2. Origin: it is a point which will be the origin of one repetition (the picture origin is in the top left corner)

      Note that the direction in which the pattern is repeated (width and height) depends on the scene orientation while entering this dialog box.

  3. If the mesh has already been textured, chose between:

    1. Overwrite existing texture to erase previous texture.

    2. Preserve existing texture to complete previous texture.


Limit objects manipulation is available in this command with CTRL+SPACE shortcut.