
This command allows you to compute a Digital Surface Model (mesh) from a point cloud.

Select the point clouds and launch the command.


  1. Set the grid size:

    1. Fast: to apply a 1 meter grid size, that is to say a low level of details.

    2. Standard: to apply a 0.5 meter grid size, that is to say a medium level of details.

    3. Accurate: to apply a 0.25 meter grid size, that is to say a high level of details.

    4. Custom: to apply your own settings. You can click on images/download/attachments/66945104/image2020-8-11_12-21-55.png to set a balanced grid size (level of details vs computation time).


The computation time depends on the grid size and the cloud area. Consequently, the process may last 4 times longer when you divide the grid size by 2. Thus, with a wider dataset, you would have to increase the grid size in order to save time and then refine your mesh with an outlier distance equal to the grid size. Refer to Refine Mesh from Cloud Interpolation.


Limit objects manipulation is available in this command with CTRL+SPACE shortcut.