Draw Circle


This command enables you to draw/create circles with some constraints.


At least 3 points are required.

  1. Click some points in the scene, the best circle of all input points is computed.

    1. You can force a Center by clicking on the lock. You can either enter the XYZ coordinates in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/113546654/AddPoint.svg to click a point in the scene.

    2. You can force a Fixed axis by clicking on the lock. You can either enter the XYZ values of the vector in the edit controls or click on the icon images/download/attachments/113546647/Normal1.svg to define a Direction in the scene.

    3. You can also set the Radius by clicking on the lock.


The circle created will be the one best fitting the points while conserving the point and the direction entered by the user.

Click on Cancel to close the command.

Click on OK, Next to validate the temporary object and stay in the command.

Click on OK, Exit to validate the temporary object and close the command.


Limit objects manipulation is available in this command with CTRL+SPACE shortcut.