Edit Grid


This command allows you to edit a previously created grid.

Select a grid and launch the command, or double-click on a grid to automatically launch the command.

This command is not compatible with the default document grid.


  1. Edit the Origin of the current grid with Define points.

  2. Edit the grid Mode:

    • Auto: the grid orientation will be function of the current scene orientation.

    • X, Y or Z: the grid normal will be the X, Y or Z axis.

  3. Edit the Main Axis, that is to say the U axis.

    Origin, Mode and Main Axis cannot be set for Fixed grids. See the note below.

  4. Edit the visibility of the graduations text.

  5. Edit the grid step in U and V directions.

  6. Edit the number of subdivisions in U and V directions.

  7. Validate the command with OK, or close the dialog box with Cancel.

Grid extents

Grids can have fixed or automatic extents. This resizing is done according to scene orientation and displayed objects.

Note this behaviour is set when you create the grid and cannot be modified later.

Consequently, the origin point may not be part of the displayed grid.