Edit Limit Box

images/download/attachments/113546800/CmdEditClippingObject.svg images/download/attachments/113546800/CmdEditClippingObject.svg

This command allows to modify the limit box properties, such as:

  • its orientation

  • its dimensions

  • its position

Double-click on an existing limit box (in the 3D scene or in the tree) to launch the command or from the Contextual menu with Edit.

There are 3 edition modes: Slice, Free and Plane. Press SPACE to toggle between modes.

Slice Edition


  • Drag and drop a face to move it and its opposite face (front+back or top+bottom or left+right) along the corresponding direction. The size and directions of the limit box remain unchanged. This shortcut allows to translate the limit box along one constrained direction.

    Tip and trick

    Use the wheel to translate limit box using length between two opposite faces as the step for the movement.

Free Edition


  • Drag and drop anywhere on the limit box to move it and keeping its main axis directions and size unchanged.

Plane Edition


  • Edit the length, the width and the height by clicking on the face to move and moving the mouse.

  • Edit manually the value by using the TAB key.


  • Edit the orientation by clicking on the corner of the limit box and moving the mouse.


  • Edit the orientation around one axis by clicking the corresponding edge of the limit box and moving the mouse.

In Slice and Plane mode, you can Press and maintain SHIFT to have access to inner faces of the clipping box in drag and drop mode.

Tip & Trick

See also definition and application of limit box here, as well as all available shortcuts.