Pipe / Tube along a Path


This command creates 3D mesh(es) corresponding to a circle extrusion along path(s).

  • Select one or more paths to extrude along

  • Select nothing: in this case, you will have to select path(s) inside the command

Path can be a polyline, a linear geometry, a CAD wire, or a CAD curve.


  1. If nothing has been selected, select path(s) in the scene.

  2. Define the Radius of the circle used for the extrusion computation.

  3. Check Close extremities if you want a closed mesh as output.

    If the selected path is closed, the resulted mesh will be necessarily closed. So, the option is hidden if all selected paths are closed.

  4. Validate the command with OK, display the result with Preview or close the command with Cancel.


Limit objects manipulation is available in this command with CTRL+SPACE shortcut.