Planar contour


The command allows extracting planar contours from meshes and clouds.

No selection is required. To extract the planar contours, click seed points on the visible clouds/meshes, then click Preview to run the extraction.


  1. Set the Extraction tolerance (expected plane thickness).

  2. Optionally, activate Skip points whose normal differs from the plane normal to improve points selection by filtering them with their normals. Note that computation time will increase.

  3. The command extracts a plane once a seed point is clicked. You can cancel the current computation by pressing ESC or by clicking another point. You can do the computation on several starting points by clicking multiple points.

    Removing seeds

    Press DEL key to remove the last created seed.

  4. Optionally, you can add constraints to the plane extraction:

    1. a Fixed point.

    2. a Fixed normal.

  5. If you are pleased with the extraction, click Preview to compute the contours of the Extracted cloud:

    1. You can either extract all contours or only the closest contour from the seed point.

    2. The Planar contours are displayed in yellow. They correspond to the 3D contours projected on the extracted plane.

    3. The 3D contours are displayed in red.

    4. Optionally, you can keep the corresponding Extracted cloud.

  6. Validate and continue with OK, Next, validate and exit with OK, Exit or exit with Cancel.