Slope Analysis


This command allows you to inspect the slopes of a mesh or a point cloud. An inspection value will be associated to each point of the cloud or vertex according to the angle between the local normal of the surface and the horizontal.

Select the mesh(es) or the cloud(s) on which you want to analyse the slopes and launch the command (without any selection, you will have to click a point to extract a surface first).


You can also launch this command without selection, to analyze the levelness of planar parts of a cloud or a mesh. See paragraph "Compute the analysis on a planar area extracted from a mesh or a cloud" at the bottom of this page.

  1. Define the maximum slope tolerance to be respected as well as the unit (°, %, gon or rad).

  2. Only with a point cloud: you can change the slider for the Local Normal Smoothing. This slider allows you to increase or decrease the radius of the influence zone on a cloud, in order to not see the slope from one point to the other, but measure the slopes more globally on the cloud.

  3. Press Preview to preview the results.

  4. At this step, you can also add labels to this analysis.

  5. Validate and exit the command with OK.


A default color map is proposed with 1 threshold: red for points outside the tolerance and a color gradient from green to orange for points inside the tolerance.

A report
