Object | Discretize (number deflection=0, number meanPointDistance=0) |
| Convert the cone into a discretized SPoly.Only one parameter must be specified at a time:To use the deflection, set a positive value and set 0 to meanPointDistance.To use the mean distance between points, set a positive value and set 0 to deflection. More...
number | Distance (SPoint point) |
| Return the distance between a point and the cone. More...
number | GetAngle () |
| Return the angle of the cone in radian. More...
number | GetAngleDegree () |
| Return the angle of the cone in degree. More...
SPoint | GetBaseCenter () |
| Return the base center of the cone. More...
number | GetBaseRadius () |
| Return the base radius of the cone. More...
SCircle | GetCircle (number height) |
| Return the circle for a given height. More...
number | GetLength () |
| Return the length of the cone. More...
number | GetSurface () |
| Return the surface of the cone. More...
SPoint | GetTopCenter () |
| Return the top center of the cone. More...
number | GetTopRadius () |
| Return the top radius of the cone. More...
boolean | IsOuter () |
| To know if the SCone is set to be scanned from the inside or from the outside. More...
| SCone () |
| Default constructor to create an empty new SCone. More...
| SCone (SCone other) |
| Construct a SCone by copying another SCone. More...
| SCone (SPoint center, SVector normalDir, number lRadius, number sRadius, number length) |
| Construct a new SCone from a given center, normal axis, large radius, small radius, length. More...
| SCone (SPoint firstPt, SPoint secondPt, SPoint thirdPt, SPoint fourthPt) |
| Construct a new SCone by 4 points. More...
number | SetAngle (number angle, boolean modifyLength=false) |
| Modify the angle of the cone in radian. More...
boolean | SetBaseRadius (number radius) |
| Modify the base radius of the cone. More...
| SetInner () |
| Set the SCone to a cone scanned from the inside. More...
boolean | SetLength (number length) |
| Modify the length of the cone. More...
| SetOuter () |
| Set the SCone to a cone scanned from the outside. More...
boolean | SetTopRadius (number radius) |
| Modify the top radius of the cone. More...
string | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
Object | Compare (SCloud measCloud, number distMax, number mappingObject=1, number maxCosAngle=-2) |
| Calculate the distances between 2 components for further inspection purpose (color mapping) More...
SPoint | GetCenter () |
| Return the center of the feature. More...
SVector | GetNormal () |
| Return the normal of the feature. More...
| SetCenter (SPoint center) |
| Set the center. More...
| SetNormal (SVector normal) |
| Set the normal. More...
string | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
| AddToDoc () |
| Add the object to the document. More...
| ApplyTransformation (SMatrix matrix) |
| Apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix. More...
Object | GetBoundingBox () |
| Calculate the bounding box of the object. More...
Object | GetColors () |
| Get the colors of the object. More...
string | GetFolderName () |
| Get the name of the folder containing the object. More...
string | GetName () |
| Return the object's name. More...
string | GetPath () |
| Return the full path of a SComp in the tree. More...
| Invert () |
| Invert the normal of the object. More...
boolean | IsInDoc () |
| Return if the object is in the document or not. More...
boolean | IsVisible () |
| Get the visibility of the object. More...
| MoveToGroup (string groupPath, boolean moveInsideTopParent=true) |
| Move the object to the document group represent by the given path. If some groups, in the path, don't exist, they will be created. More...
| RemoveFromDoc () |
| Remove the object from the document. More...
| SetClippable (boolean clipping) |
| Set clippable or not. More...
| SetColors (number red, number green, number blue) |
| Set the colors of the object. More...
| SetName (string objectName) |
| Set the object's name. More...
| SetTransparency (number alpha) |
| Set the transparency of the object. More...
| SetVisibility (boolean visible) |
| Set the object to be visible, or not visible. More...
string | toString () |
| Get the type of the variable. More...
| Translate (SVector vector) |
| Make a translation of the current object with an SVector. More...
static Array< SCone > | All (VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY) |
| Get all the SCone in the document. More...
static Object | FromClick () |
| Launch an interaction to select a SCone in the scene. More...
static Array< SCone > | FromName (string name) |
| Search all the SCone with the given name. More...
static Array< SCone > | FromSel () |
| Get all the selected SCone. More...
static SCone | New () |
| Default constructor to create an empty new SCone. More...
static SCone | New (SCone other) |
| Construct a SCone by copying another SCone. More...
static SCone | New (SPoint center, SVector normalDir, number lRadius, number sRadius, number length) |
| Construct a new SCone from a given center, normal axis, large radius, small radius, length. More...
static SCone | New (SPoint firstPt, SPoint secondPt, SPoint thirdPt, SPoint fourthPt) |
| Construct a new SCone by 4 points. More...
static Array< SFeature > | All (VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY) |
| Get all the SFeature in the document. More...
static Object | FromBfcFile (string filePath) |
| Load a .bfc file. More...
static Object | FromClick () |
| Launch an interaction to select a SFeature in the scene. More...
static Array< SFeature > | FromName (string name) |
| Search all the SFeature with the given name. More...
static Array< SFeature > | FromSel () |
| Get all the selected SFeature. More...
static Array< SComp > | All (VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY) |
| Get all the SComp in the document. More...
static Object | FromClick () |
| Launch an interaction to select a SComp in the scene. More...
static Array< SComp > | FromName (string name) |
| Search all the SComp with the given name. More...
static Array< SComp > | FromSel () |
| Get all the selected SComp. More...
Provide cone edition and creation methods.