Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2023.
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SShape Class Reference

Shape manipulation class. More...

Inheritance diagram for SShape:

Public Types

enum  FillingTypeEnum { FLATTEST = 0 , MEDIUM = 1 , MOST_CURVED = 2 }
 The type of filling to use. More...
enum  SmoothingMethod { INTERPOLATE = 0 , APPROXIMATE = 1 }
 Smoothing method used for BSpline curve creation. More...
- Public Types inherited from SComp
enum  VisibilityEnum { HIDDEN_ONLY = 0 , VISIBLE_ONLY = 1 , ANY_VISIBILITY = 2 }
 Visible criteria. More...

Public Member Functions

Object Explode ()
 Explode the CAD object. More...
 SShape ()
 Default constructor. More...
 SShape (SMultiline multiline, SmoothingMethod method)
 Construct a new BSpline curve by smoothing (interpolation or approximation) a SMultiline. More...
 SShape (SShape other)
 Construct a SShape by copying the SShape Other. More...
string toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
string ValuesToString ()
 Get a debug string representation of the shape. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SComp
 AddToDoc ()
 Add the object to the document. More...
 ApplyTransformation (SMatrix matrix)
 Apply a geometric transformation to the current object by making a product with the given matrix. More...
Object GetBoundingBox ()
 Calculate the bounding box of the object. More...
Object GetColors ()
 Get the colors of the object. More...
string GetFolderName ()
 Get the name of the folder containing the object. More...
string GetName ()
 Return the object's name. More...
string GetPath ()
 Return the full path of a SComp in the tree. More...
 Invert ()
 Invert the normal of the object. More...
boolean IsInDoc ()
 Return if the object is in the document or not. More...
boolean IsVisible ()
 Get the visibility of the object. More...
 MoveToGroup (string groupPath, boolean moveInsideTopParent=true)
 Move the object to the document group represent by the given path. If some groups, in the path, don't exist, they will be created. More...
 RemoveFromDoc ()
 Remove the object from the document. More...
 SetClippable (boolean clipping)
 Set clippable or not. More...
 SetColors (number red, number green, number blue)
 Set the colors of the object. More...
 SetName (string objectName)
 Set the object's name. More...
 SetTransparency (number alpha)
 Set the transparency of the object. More...
 SetVisibility (boolean visible)
 Set the object to be visible, or not visible. More...
string toString ()
 Get the type of the variable. More...
 Translate (SVector vector)
 Make a translation of the current object with an SVector. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Object AddHoles (SShape surface, Array< SShape > linearTable)
 Create holes to a CAD Surface from closed CAD edge and CAD wire. More...
static Object AddRestriction (SShape surface, SShape wireRestriction)
 Create restriction to a CAD Surface from a closed CAD wire. More...
static Array< SShapeAll (VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY)
 Get all the SShape in the document. More...
static SShape CreateCompound (Array< SShape > others)
 Construct a SShape compound from the given shape list. More...
static SShape CreateTriangulatedSurface (SPoly poly)
 Construct a SShape triangulated surface by converting a SPoly. More...
static Object CreateWire (Array< SShape > edgeTable)
 Construct a new CAD wire by connecting all CAD edges. More...
static Object ExtractCurve (Array< SShape > compTable)
 Extract free border from surfacic SShape as curves. More...
static Object ExtractWire (Array< SShape > compTable)
 Extract free borders from surfacic SShape as wire. More...
static Object Fill (SShape wire, FillingTypeEnum fillingType)
 Create a filling surface from CAD wire. You have to enter the command with a closed wire composed of 3 or 4 edges. More...
static Object FitOnMesh (SShape surface, SPoly mesh, boolean immobileUMin, boolean immobileUMax, boolean immobileVMin, boolean immobileVMax, boolean projBadPtsOnCloud)
 Fit a CAD Surface on a mesh. More...
static Object FromClick ()
 Launch an interaction to select a SShape in the scene. More...
static Array< SShapeFromName (string name)
 Search all the SShape with the given name. More...
static Array< SShapeFromSel ()
 Get all the selected SShape. More...
static Object LinearExtrusion (number length, SVector direction, boolean closeExtremities, Array< SComp > shapes)
 Compute CAD face(s) corresponding to the extrusion of profile(s) along a direction, with a given length. More...
static SShape New (SMultiline multiline, SmoothingMethod method)
 Construct a new BSpline curve by smoothing (interpolation or approximation) a SMultiline. More...
static SShape New (SShape other)
 Construct a SShape by copying the SShape Other. More...
static Object PipeTubeAlongPath (number radius, boolean closeExtremities, Array< SComp > shapes)
 Compute CAD face(s) corresponding to the extrusion of a circle with a given radius along a given path. More...
static Object ProfileAlongPath (SComp profile, SComp path, boolean makePerpendicular, boolean startAtProfilePosition, boolean closeExtremities)
 Compute CAD face corresponding to the extrusion of a given profile along a given path. More...
static Object Sew (Array< SShape > compTable, number sewingTolerance)
 Sew surfacic SShape according to a given tolerance. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SComp
static Array< SCompAll (VisibilityEnum visCrit=SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY)
 Get all the SComp in the document. More...
static Object FromClick ()
 Launch an interaction to select a SComp in the scene. More...
static Array< SCompFromName (string name)
 Search all the SComp with the given name. More...
static Array< SCompFromSel ()
 Get all the selected SComp. More...

Detailed Description

Shape manipulation class.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FillingTypeEnum

The type of filling to use.


To have the flattest patch.


To have a medium patch.


To have the most rounded patch.

◆ SmoothingMethod

Smoothing method used for BSpline curve creation.


Smoothing by interpolation.


Smoothing by approximation (with automatic tolerance).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SShape() [1/3]

SShape::SShape ( )

Default constructor.

◆ SShape() [2/3]

SShape::SShape ( SMultiline  multiline,
SmoothingMethod  method 

Construct a new BSpline curve by smoothing (interpolation or approximation) a SMultiline.

multiline(SMultiline) The SMultiline to interpolate or approximate
method(SmoothingMethod) The smoothing method for BSpline curve creation

◆ SShape() [3/3]

SShape::SShape ( SShape  other)

Construct a SShape by copying the SShape Other.

other(SShape) The other SShape to copy.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddHoles()

static Object SShape::AddHoles ( SShape  surface,
Array< SShape linearTable 

Create holes to a CAD Surface from closed CAD edge and CAD wire.

This function requires the license AEC.
surface(SShape) The surface to add holes in.
linearTable(Array<SShape>) The table of edges and wires used for the holes.
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Wrong inputs type
  • 2: Wire or edge is open
  • 3: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The computed surface

◆ AddRestriction()

static Object SShape::AddRestriction ( SShape  surface,
SShape  wireRestriction 

Create restriction to a CAD Surface from a closed CAD wire.

This function requires the license AEC.
surface(SShape) The surface to restrict
wireRestriction(SShape) The wire used for the restriction
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Wrong inputs type
  • 2: Wire is open
  • 3: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The restricted surface

◆ All()

static Array< SShape > SShape::All ( VisibilityEnum  visCrit = SComp.ANY_VISIBILITY)

Get all the SShape in the document.

visCrit(VisibilityEnum) Visible selection criteria
(Array<SShape>) Array of all the SShape contained in the document, that fulfill the visibility criteria

◆ CreateCompound()

static SShape SShape::CreateCompound ( Array< SShape others)

Construct a SShape compound from the given shape list.

This function requires the license AEC.
others(Array<SShape>) The shapes used to create the compound
(SShape) The created compound

◆ CreateTriangulatedSurface()

static SShape SShape::CreateTriangulatedSurface ( SPoly  poly)

Construct a SShape triangulated surface by converting a SPoly.

This function requires the license AEC.
poly(SPoly) The mesh that will be converted
(SShape) The created triangulated surface

◆ CreateWire()

static Object SShape::CreateWire ( Array< SShape edgeTable)

Construct a new CAD wire by connecting all CAD edges.

This function requires the license AEC.
edgeTable(Array<SShape>) The table of edges to be connected
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The created wire

◆ Explode()

Object SShape::Explode ( )

Explode the CAD object.

This function requires the license AEC.
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
ret.ShapeTbl(Array<SShape>) The exploded CAD object table.

◆ ExtractCurve()

static Object SShape::ExtractCurve ( Array< SShape compTable)

Extract free border from surfacic SShape as curves.

This function requires the license AEC.
compTable(Array<SShape>) The table of surfacic SShape to extract
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
ret.ShapeTbl(Array<SShape>) The extracted curves table.

◆ ExtractWire()

static Object SShape::ExtractWire ( Array< SShape compTable)

Extract free borders from surfacic SShape as wire.

This function requires the license AEC.
compTable(Array<SShape>) The table of surfacic SShape to extract
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
ret.ShapeTbl(Array<SShape>) The extracted wires table.

◆ Fill()

static Object SShape::Fill ( SShape  wire,
FillingTypeEnum  fillingType 

Create a filling surface from CAD wire. You have to enter the command with a closed wire composed of 3 or 4 edges.

This function requires the license AEC.
wire(SShape) The wire to fill
fillingType(FillingTypeEnum) The filling method to use
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Wrong input
  • 2: Wire is open
  • 3: Wire must be composed of 3 or 4 edges
  • 4: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The filled surface

◆ FitOnMesh()

static Object SShape::FitOnMesh ( SShape  surface,
SPoly  mesh,
boolean  immobileUMin,
boolean  immobileUMax,
boolean  immobileVMin,
boolean  immobileVMax,
boolean  projBadPtsOnCloud 

Fit a CAD Surface on a mesh.

This function requires the license AEC.
surface(SShape) The surface to fit
mesh(SPoly) The mesh to fit on
immobileUMin(boolean) If true, poles on the edges UMin must stay immobile. Otherwise they can move
immobileUMax(boolean) If true, poles on the edges UMax must stay immobile. Otherwise they can move
immobileVMin(boolean) If true, poles on the edges VMin must stay immobile. Otherwise they can move
immobileVMax(boolean) If true, poles on the edges VMax must stay immobile. Otherwise they can move
projBadPtsOnCloud(boolean) If true, control points with bad projection will be fit on cloud instead
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Wrong inputs
  • 2: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The surface fitted on the mesh

◆ FromClick()

static Object SShape::FromClick ( )

Launch an interaction to select a SShape in the scene.

This function will pause the script, and wait for user interaction
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error, the SShape is selected.
  • 1: Nothing is selected.
  • 2: The ESCape key has been pressed
ret.Shape(SShape) The selected SShape

◆ FromName()

static Array< SShape > SShape::FromName ( string  name)

Search all the SShape with the given name.

name(string) The name to find
(Array<SShape>) All the SShape with the given name

◆ FromSel()

static Array< SShape > SShape::FromSel ( )

Get all the selected SShape.

(Array<SShape>) All the selected SShape

◆ LinearExtrusion()

static Object SShape::LinearExtrusion ( number  length,
SVector  direction,
boolean  closeExtremities,
Array< SComp shapes 

Compute CAD face(s) corresponding to the extrusion of profile(s) along a direction, with a given length.

This function requires the license AEC.
length(number) The length of the extrusion.
direction(SVector) The direction of the extrusion.
closeExtremities(boolean) True if extremities of the extruded comp have to be closed. Profiles must be planar to close the extremities.
shapes(Array<SComp>) All the profiles to extrude. Only the linear CADs will be considered for extrusion.
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
  • 2: Invalid input parameters (either the direction or length are invalid, or none of the components in the specified shapes can be used as a valid profile).
ret.CompTbl(Array<SComp>) The extruded shapes.

◆ New() [1/2]

static SShape SShape::New ( SMultiline  multiline,
SmoothingMethod  method 

Construct a new BSpline curve by smoothing (interpolation or approximation) a SMultiline.

multiline(SMultiline) The SMultiline to interpolate or approximate
method(SmoothingMethod) The smoothing method for BSpline curve creation
(SShape) The new SShape.

◆ New() [2/2]

static SShape SShape::New ( SShape  other)

Construct a SShape by copying the SShape Other.

other(SShape) The other SShape to copy.
(SShape) The new SShape.

◆ PipeTubeAlongPath()

static Object SShape::PipeTubeAlongPath ( number  radius,
boolean  closeExtremities,
Array< SComp shapes 

Compute CAD face(s) corresponding to the extrusion of a circle with a given radius along a given path.

This function requires the license AEC.
radius(number) The radius of the circle to extrude.
closeExtremities(boolean) True if extremities of the extruded comp have to be closed.
shapes(Array<SComp>) All the paths to follow. Only the linear CADs will be considered for extrusion.
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: An error occurred
  • 2: Invalid input parameters (either the radius is invalid, or none of the components in the specified shapes can be used as a valid extrusion path).
ret.ShapeTbl(Array<SShape>) The extruded shapes.

◆ ProfileAlongPath()

static Object SShape::ProfileAlongPath ( SComp  profile,
SComp  path,
boolean  makePerpendicular,
boolean  startAtProfilePosition,
boolean  closeExtremities 

Compute CAD face corresponding to the extrusion of a given profile along a given path.

This function requires the license AEC.
profile(SComp) The profile to extrude
path(SComp) The extrusion path
makePerpendicular(boolean) True if the profile to extrude has to be perpendicular to the first vector of the path
startAtProfilePosition(boolean) True if the extrusion has to begin at profile and not at path position
closeExtremities(boolean) True if extremities of the extruded comp have to be closed. The specified profile must be planar to close the extremities
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Bad profile or path type
  • 2: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The extruded SShape

◆ Sew()

static Object SShape::Sew ( Array< SShape compTable,
number  sewingTolerance 

Sew surfacic SShape according to a given tolerance.

This function requires the license AEC.
compTable(Array<SShape>) The table of SShape to sew
sewingTolerance(number) The tolerance used for sewing
Return values
ret.ErrorCode(number) The error code
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Wrong input type
  • 2: An error occurred
ret.Shape(SShape) The sewed shape, can be a SShape compound

◆ toString()

string SShape::toString ( )

Get the type of the variable.

(string) The type name

◆ ValuesToString()

string SShape::ValuesToString ( )

Get a debug string representation of the shape.

(string) a debug string representing the shape